
Our family.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Working on the house.

We slowly plod along one job at a time.  Eric doesn't get a lot of time.  School schedule, therapies and extra caricullars fill his day.  One day this week was so badly scheduled that he had an hour and twenty minutes to get things done.  We struggle keeping up to grocery shopping.  So home repairs and renovations are at the back of the line.  However in an effort to get ready for Mom we have a bit more to do than usual.  Step one...upgrading power.  Big job.  Our electrition started this week.  Next is properly insulating the garage ceiling so her car can't poison us in the house.  It's a lot of activity right now.  Eric has been prepping the outside of the house for painting.  Finishing off past projects. 

On a particularly busy day we went out for McHappy day. 

The girls are working all weekend.  Jia and I are off to the mainland for May's Birthday and a sleepover. 

Busier than usual.  It's good to be busy.