
Our family.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

No time to blog.

Too much going on.  If there is time to blog...I'd rather sleep ;)

We've upgraded our power.  It was considerably more involved than I could have ever imagined.  The electritions  have been in and out for two weeks. We had no power Friday for the big hydro switch.  For fun...there was concern in the afternoon that we'd be out until Monday.  Luckily they came back at the last minute.  Just realized Saturday morning we have no phone.  Line was cut.  Eric wasted time yesterday trying to splice it together.  No go.  More knob and tube was found.  Oy.  We've had crews in twice before to remove it all.  The list of projects grows.

We met with the municipality about changing bylaws for our property to build Mom's house.  Very complicated.  They're suggesting it will be a year to get approval.  Crazy.  We have to make up a proposal proving due diligence.  While we were there we saw the original proposal to have our house moved.  I took a couple pictures of the pictures. 

Lili has been driving her and Fei all around.  Life altering for sure.  We are loving not going to the Rock Cod over and over again.  Makes Eric's life so much easier dropping the school drops and pick ups.  Lili did a parallel park for work last night.  So proud she took a picture.
Jia is becoming more and more social.  Wanting to be with her friends and Max all the time.  It's weird when they start branching off.  Max was here on Friday....but there was no plan.  Haha.  His Dad dropped his bike and his Mom picked him up so Max had a plan.  Jia assumed I made the plan.  Hillarious.  Max fits right in.  He keeps Jia busy so we like having him here. 

When the kids are riding bikes, Kai gets tired first then hangs around the front steps yelling "pit stop".  It's super annoying.  I was telling someone about it, Max was surprised he was yelling about a pit stop.  Which struck me as funny.  Max is so accepting of Kai that he never questioned what Kai was doing or saying.

Saturday I took Jia to Emily's birthday in Victoria.  Wicked rain storm and heavy fog on the drive.  We need the rain.  Drive home was clear thankfully.

Kids and I have had fun ordering from Aliexpress.  Prices are great but things take between 2 and 6 weeks.  Luk wanted Bayblades, we ordered three sets.  Luk has been asking daily for weeks.  They finally came!  Dumb toy but Luk likes it.  Kai and Jia are done already. 

How hillarious is Isabel watching?!

School always gets busy this time of year.  We had the boys iep meetings last week.  Goals all set for next year.  Fun fair is coming up.  We're all looking forward to summer break! 

Kai is doing ok with his new speech therapy.  We're pleased he's not fighting us. 

Kai is seeing a genetesist this week.  Years of waiting.  Luk has been waiting for an educational assessment for a couple years.  He's finally up at Queen Alexandra.  More appointments.  Sooooo many appointments. 

The electrition just showed up to get our phone line fixed.  Yay.  Eric is working on the pool today.  The ground is shifting and we have a liner issue.  He's trying to figure it out but it's looking like we have to empty it, fix and refill it.  Yikes.  The kids and I are going to see Alladin this afternoon.