
Our family.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Butt Squished Lunches

Lately communication with the school has been about bowel movements, briefs and underwear.  Super glamorous.  Today for a switch we were told that Kai was refusing to stop sitting on kids back packs before school today.  He claims the ground was too cold.  Eric and I both reacted negatively, in horror and firmly let him know that NO WAY was he to touch anyone or their belongings EVER and most definitely NEVER EVER with his butt.  Oy.  We're not sure how many poor kids had complimentary butt squished lunches today.  He's been told he has to apologize tomorrow and he's really mad about that. Honestly, parenting hasn't turned out to be anything we could have anticipated.  Please tell me we'll think this is funny one day. Update, at snack/bed time tonight I was packing some lunch things for tomorrow and I suggested to Kai that we sit on his.  He cried.  So he does understand that he personally would prefer that no on sits on his food.  

Also the new person at the district level wants proof that Kai is visually impaired.  You can't make this up.  Seriously. Oh, and do we want to go to a low vision Campbell River. thanks.  

Kai did see the eye specialist on Tues.  We were told they're referring him back to Children's.  Bit of a blow.  Two more trips off island a year and to the Dr. that feels we shouldn't have Kai in school or getting any therapies.  He feels it's all a waste of time for Kai and he should get to do what he wants and get comfort care.