
Our family.

Saturday, December 25, 2021


The tears stopped. Phew.  There was a brief second where he looked up and paid attention to Luk and saw he had an amazing HUGE box of Pokémon and started to cry.  So we quickly got Luk to locate the other box for Kai. 
The puppies were both thrilled with the paper.  Even Finn played for an hour ripping bits off.  
Starving University students, thrilled with a box of groceries.  
A Genshin day :)

It's already lunch time.  Time to get round two of feeding everyone again after we get everything off the floor. Work, work, work.  
Nachos for dinner. Yum.
I'm not sure what everyone else did for the afternoon, I had a long nap with the Chihuahuas.  After dinner we played a Disney trivia game in teams.  The game felt a bit overdone on rules but was ok once we got the hang of it.