
Our family.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Digital Calendar

 So, I've moved to the calendar on my phone.  Full on.  It is handy to have it with me on the go.  The phone puts up a memo the night before the next day and the reminder for the day shows when I turn the phone on.  Like a constant reminder of what's next.  I like that and I hate that.  If it's something fun then it's a nice reminder but for appointments I'm dreading it's a real drag.

Today was the eye specialist for me.  Things are good.  No additional eye surgery any time soon.  I was told today that my retina is latticed at the back.  I could experience holes or tears.  Black spots or like a curtain is closing.  I should get in asap to have it glued back down before I go blind.  Ah.  Omg.  Really?!  I thought maybe another fun gift from diabetes or a part of glaucoma.  Nope, just my age.  So, this is a psa (public service announcement) for all of you my age, if you have black spots or a veil fall over your eye get in to the eye specialist asap.  Jeesh.  

Then we had a meeting with Jia's teacher.  There is still time to send work in to elevate his evaluation.  Jia could care less about this.  So he is excelling in every creative way especially his art and writing but just didn't turn in enough work for socials, math and science.  The work turned in was grade level and no one is concerned.  He did write a second recommendation letter for cvolk and he also feels it will be a good fit for Jia.  We all had hopes for more enthusiasm for school but Jia didn't get that memo.  

We dropped off a data stick at the accountants office.  Signed some disability forms for Kai and went to get Eric a ticket so he can join me at the grad reunion.  He isn't really keen to go but I think fomo kicked in.  Jia got lunch out with us and endured the errands alright but was not at all thrilled that we chose to park Onyx at the park on First Street and wonder around town.  He did buy some jeans to turn into shorts at the thrift store.

I turned my phone on and the reminders popped up as they do and they were done so I was able to swipe them off.  It is extremely satisfying to swipe them away.

I don't want to jinx things but....there is nothing scheduled for tomorrow.  Nothing.  The boys are home this week because their classes are camping and we opted to skip that.  They could have gone, but it meant me going with them and I didn't think that sounded fun at all.  

Lili went to Nanaimo today and shopped for her graduation outfit and had some success. She also picked up her cap and gown.