
Our family.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Loon Lake


Loon Lake.  It's a Mosaic site.  Quite lovely.  Very quiet.  Definitely the fishing is the draw.  There is a 40 minute trail around the whole lake.  It's very similar to Kissinger Lake.  
Most importantly, there is an actual Loon there!!  His call was pretty cool.

Hard to see through the trees but we were in a lakefront site.

A bit hilly and awkward to get in and tough to level the trailer but Eric is a hero.

1st things first...let's get fishing!
They were pretty excited.
Don't worry, no fish were caught by us ;)

Shannon, with the big side wall off we get tons of heat :)
I can't believe we're still camping in cold amd wet.  Where is the nice summer weather?

We resurrected the biscuit dough on a stick camping treat.  Stuffed with cookie cream.  Still yummy but it takes too long.

The kids enjoyed fishing.
Overall I found it boring just hanging alone with Kai who doesn't really talk.  I had a couple good naps.  

We came home early because I got it in my head that Eric and I could join a Canada Day fsr Jeep run tomorrow with 12 Jeeps.  So that's the plan.
Home to find a summons for jury duty. I have been waiting forever!  So exciting.  A criminal case being held in Duncan.  Here's hoping I get picked.
The last day of school last week.  We picked up Kai and Luk and went to Bright Angel for a walk.

We found a baby owl.  It was pretty upset and screaching like crazy.  We were worried it fell out of it's nest but after watching a while it flew to another branch so we mosied on.