
Our family.

Friday, July 26, 2024

A Kai funny.

 So, I'm guessing ya'll have gathered Kai has poop issues.

He routinely yells out that he has to poop the second he is bored, at restaurants, in movies and shows etc.  It's quite embarrassing.  We've TRIED to get him to be discreet.  He is never discreet.

Along with all the other issues we're attempting to get him to tell someone at home when he is headed to the bathroom to poop.  You know, so we can prevent flooding.  Anyways...

Yesterday I was in the kitchen with him for a couple hours and left him watching tv to come up to my desk.  He took himself for a poop.  Dumb luck that I turned off the ac upstairs and heard him calling for Dad who was outside and we hadn't seen him in hours.  I purposefully left him sitting there a while so I could once again say "hey, tell us first so you're not stuck on the toilet".  

Today, I was doing all the things, opening delivery packages, tidying, three loads of laundry, mending pillows, 3 weeks of clean clothing sorted and put away, pet care, dishes and more dishes, making a grocery list, breakfast, lunch, snacks, hot tub, chatting with Lili.  You get the picture...around.  I heard a voice calling out, I thought it was my Mom but Izzy was on high alert, I went to see and it was two older ladies from the Green party come to chat.  Ugh.  Along comes Kai right at that moment and announces super loud and full of authority "I HAVE TO POOP RIGHT NOW!"  I actually laughed out loud and said "he needs to poop" while retreating back into the house.

Hahahaha.  The timing.  I'm sure they walked away confused.  I mean Kai is taller than me now ;)