
Our family.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday Plans


We had 8 of us to Nanaimo yesterday for a movie so we took both Jeeps.  Eric got ducked again!  So fun.  I still have not been ducked in the wild.  Jealousy for sure.  Haha.  Oscar really does stand out way more than Onyx.
Eric gave me the duck, it's pink, missing the point, I don't want the duck...I want the surprise joy.  

Despicable Me 4
We all loved it.  Jia worked all day and napped through most of it.  I also had a wee nap and missed some plot but Fei filled me in on the way home.

I've read on community sites that there are new owners coming into the Duncan theater.  I can't wait.  It's a lot to go out of town for a movie.

We got to take Kaleb last minute so that was fun.  He was playing country music in the car on the way there for me, Luk and Kai.  Not our usual listening genre so that was fun.  Kaleb knew all the words and is a fabulous singer, we were definitely entertained.

Kaleb takes such great care of Kai, I'll admit it's a nice break for me.

Eric and I measured and measured and negotiated and plotted.  We think we have the plan for Cheese sorted. You know, 'if' we were speaking the same language. Twin bed out.  Waste water container going in.  Food shelf.  Permanent place for the fridge and port-a-potty.  A padded bench seat and wee table.  All set up for just me and occasionally for one other person if they're willing to share the bed.  

Shannon and Dagen came to play yesterday. We went to ride the train.

And watch the train.

Ignore the driveway weeds.
Back to his and hers units.
All is right in the world again.

Now, it's Saturday and we have soooo many options.
I wanted to get up at 7 and escape just Eric and I and go to the Jeep event in Lake Cowichan.  Other options are Jeeping with friends, going to Parksville to play with Mary and Charles, staying home and working, taking the kids to secret beach, hitting Costco because we're out of pee pads, shopping for Cheese decor, or take a much needed couch/movie day.  The last option annoys the heck out of me.  I'm currently lounged on the front porch while Eric zips all over the place.  I never really know what he's doing but it sort of looks like he is searching and gathering.