
Our family.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Kai's 6th flood.

Poop post. Skip if you can't deal.

Kai has rules.  One of them is that he isn't allowed to flush poop.  He disregarded the rule today.  For the sixth time the poo toilet water went downstairs to the bathroom below.  I'm not counting the plugged toilet close calls, just the standing water seeping downstairs.  The actual floods.

Now, Eric, Lili, Luk and I are all home.  He told no one.  He did clue in there was water flowing and attempted cleaning up with hand towels and face cloths.  Ew.  Just dumb luck that Lili wondered why he was taking drippy things to the laundry hamper and investigated.  He took himself to his couch and was watching tv.  So of course his screens have been taken away and he's been crying for quite a while.

He has repeated the rule to me so he does know he broke a rule.  I don't believe he has any clue what the problem is and he definitely doesn't see that ignoring the problem and going back to his show is another problem and there are natural consequences when bad things happen.  Oy.  Screens have been removed.  

He's bored and he's mad.  I found him napping while I'm still dismayed and pretty mad myself so I marched him downstairs and had him wash the floor with a wet cloth.  Eric had already cleaned and disinfected so it was really pointless except for him to clue in he made a mess so has to clean it up.  It was a hard watch.  He has zero clue how to wipe or clean anything and he isn't capable of following verbal direction or copying movements by example.

Also, he once again used an entire roll of paper.  Why? Is it fun?  Does he just like rolling it?  Normally he calls us to come and wipe him and flush.  I have no clue what happened today.  He didn't even try to call out.  He has no answers.

So, to all other better parents than us, please tell us, how the hell do we potty train this kid?  CLEARLY, we aren't capable.  He's 13 in a month.  He's been with us 8 1/2 years and it's not improved.  He used to play in his poop and smear it everywhere and we had to disinfect the whole room and kid and here we are today, slightly different but kid still needed a bath and the room still needed disinfected.  And there is a wack of laundry to do.

I want a separate room off the house with a composting toilet just for Kai.  Eric doesn't like this idea.  I mean 8 years and he isn't ready for a flush toilet.  He has not shown the skill set for this.  He needs a toddler potty but they don't come in his size, wouldn't a composting one be similar but easier for us to deal with than an open potty that he could spill.  We need to take water right out of the equation.  

My head hurts.  Honestly this is just the stupidest parenting problem ever.  

Oh...and he attempted pulling attitude when he finally realized I was planning to repeat the rules a lot with him and hand out chores.  Because a teenager with attitude that isn't yet potty trained is what I need today.  Arg. 

I'm hiding in my room.