
Our family.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Onto ink.


I've lost count of the days.  He's definitely holding onto this habit.  He's moved onto ink.  It's easier and he says he gets more detail.  Mind blown.

We'll be able to wall paper soon.

Kai and I were the only ones up and around on Wed.  We decided to go pick up lunch and ride the train.  I asked Kai if he wanted to wake and take his siblings.  He did not.
We picked up McDonald's and as a major treat mango/pineapple smoothies.  Then we arrived to an empty parking lot.  Yup.  They're closed on Wednesdays.  Arg.

We visited a park instead.

He rocked on this for about half an hour.  Then moved onto picking grass blades to put down a sewer grate.  Fun times.

Then we went to Walmart to get the school supplies for the boys.  I got the list the day before.  We got it all, dragged it home, opened it all and set up the high school binders and labeled it all.  We even got Jia involved with getting ready with some replenished supplies and a fresh start too.  Then got an email the next day letting us know Kai doesn't need any supplies.  Sheesh.  So, either set up for Luk next year already or a nice donation for Jia's school.  I did mention to Kai that he hadn't picked a shirt out for the first day of school so he promptly sussed one out.  Love it.

This is Lili's office.
She's put two weeks in already.  She is learning lots but the training has been bleak and sporadic.  She's mostly on her own trying to figure things out.  She's supposed to be doing the books for 13 companies and two more were added to her list.  She likes her boss, the office, her co-workers and she's enjoying being in old town for her lunch time walks.

Shannon sent me this gem.
So squishy.  I think Lili is 8, Fei is 7 and Deanna is 5.  

So, Jerry the mouse has become all mine.  Excuse the bed head hair.  But don't we look alike?  I adore him.  He's also so squishy.  I never get tired of admiring his teeny feets and tiny toes.  He's impossibly small and he cuddles now.

Osborn Bay for the long weekend.
One of my fave spots.  Looking forward to a ton of relaxing time chatting with friends and taking in this view.

I'm not sure how much longer we get to drag these three along.  Jia complained a bit but is happy we have Zoey here this weekend.  Luk and Kai were good to come but they are a bit bored.  I don't feel sorry for them.  Many options have been offered but they keep chosing to just sit being bored.

Eric and I aren't bored in the least. We're discussing road trip ideas for this fall, just us with Oscar and Cheese.

I mean, it just doesn't get better than this.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Day 6


Two full pages but only on one side this time.  Then a color switch back to green but he got tired and it got scibbely.  

I best pack some paper and pencil crayons for the camping on the long weekend ;)  

Saturday, August 24, 2024

We bought Cheese a furnace.


This is not Cheese.

Cheese needs a little furnace.  Tent trailer size.  He didn't pass the csa test again.  The stove is good now and we had all the gas lines replumbed but the furnace that was tested and fine two years ago is no longer fine.  They're stupid expensive.  Oddly, Eric had shown me a tent trailer in the morning for $700.  He had the idea that he'd like to try making solid walls on a tent trailer.  I wasn't particularly encouraging but then realized we could buy the trailer to get the furnace out of it.  It's the right size.  It's not the first time we've bought a unit as a parts unit.  

So, yes, we dragged it home last night.
It was in Brentwood Bay.  We were in Victoria for an eye appointment for Kai so the timing all just worked out.

Go ahead and have a laugh.  We do know it's crazy and funny.

We have Joey and Rosie for the weekend.  Sasha is a tad jealous of Kai attentioning Joey.

Eric snagged a light for the porch at the thrift store.

I found these Boyds.  You guys....two of them are Disney!  I didn't know there was a collaboration.  The hunt might have to intensify.  

The shirts we dyed.

Schooling me about hydraulic brakes.  Blah, blah, guy speak, dirty bits, I have no clue.

Eric had said he wasn't planning to play with his new project until spring.  I left this morning to do boy birthday shopping with Mom and was gone a few hours.  When I got back the Mr was deeply engrossed.  Of course. We should have anticipated that. He had fixed a few issues.  Identified a couple more.  Removed the canvas and cushions and had a full load ready for the dump.  Oy.  The roof now sits where it's supposed to.  He's already figured out the frame work for the side walls and has a ton of ideas for the build.  

The box and roof are fiberglass and lower than Cheese.  Close in size overall.  It doesn't have the big storage box like Cheese and Cheese has a LOT of tiny touchs that are totally all about me and my comfort. I still can't picture Eric's vision with this next one but in the dream world of what would I do to make Cheese more perfect I did think totally solar with  a 12v fridge, heater and stove would be pretty great.  So that is the goal for the next build.  

I did feel a bit of panic about Eric wanting to sell Cheese again but he says he thinks we should improve on our first ideas and enjoy the project, then use both and pick which one works better for us.   

The ideas are keeping us amused.  
It feels cool with no walls, total view.  I've seen others done with clear roofing which would be pretty cool if parked in the forest.  They are usually converted into stationary cabins not collapsible like a-frames.

Keeping busy.

Can we monetize this?


Day 1.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4.

Day 5.

So, it was quite apparent at Easter Seal Camp that Kai had no interest in any activities.  He was happy to get to the room or for meals to be over so he could have his phone.  There is wifi there.  Once home Eric and I chatted about how to get him engaged with anything other than his screen.  I know it's a teen issue in general but his screen time isn't particularly useful.  Not chatting, not gaming with friends, not music, not reading, not watching shows, not taking pictures.  Just YouTube and puzzle games.

I had complimented his sqiggles at camp so we got up the next morning to him sitting at the table filling a page with what looks like brains or a maze.  He filled the back of the paper too.  We complimented his effort to do something with his hands and had him hang it on the fridge.  To my surprise he repeated the task the next day and the next.

So, I was viewing it like watching a science experiment and was REALLY curious to see how many days he would do a squiggly drawing in green.  Eric mentioned he could use other colors.  I shut Eric down but it was too late.  Day four we saw brown.  My curiosity is about his need for routine.  It's stronger than all other likes and dislikes.  He does things because it's the routine not because he wants to.  Except we can't really teach the parts of routine we want, he gloms onto certain parts for unknown reasons.  Only he knows and he's not talking.

Anyways.  Apparently he now draws a squiggle daily before his cereal.  Yes, cereal every day.  However he will now eat any cereal not just multi grain Cheerios.  Not gonna lie, he still happily gobbles the Cheerios if they're presented.

Anyone want a squiggle?  We have a few here :)

I wanted lazy days of summer, this is what it looks like sometimes.

The mess in the last picture was our back to school shopping for the boys.  They're ready.  I think.  Jia declined getting up and coming with us.  We are not at all ready for him to get back to school.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Swiffer Feet


The last event of mine and Kai's Easter Seal Family Camp was the talent show.
It's extremely eclectic and beyond hillarious.  The staff are incredible.
The most inclusive experience ever.
I cried a couple times.  The feels got too big.
Our world is a disaster but there are some incredible young people out there offering hope.  
One of the Mom's did some Dad jokes and Kai thought that was the funniest thing ever.  A little guy got up with his Dad and did the potty song.  A Dad told a story about vampire chickens and facing fears.  Lots of songs and dances.  When campers didn't know the words or looked like they were done the staff leaped into action and got everyone going.  

Kai once again said on the way to the car "well that was a good time".
So, I guess we go again next year.  However...I want to look into bringing our own rv for sleeping and bathroom.

My black onyx pendant came for Onyx.  It's pretty cool.  

Now for the funny.
I bought reusable swiffer pads.  Eric didn't know what they were for but he found a way to make them work to wash the stairs.  Haha.  What a goof.

He was playing with his new welder yesterday and he's hurt his eyes.  He did have the right eyeware but apparently it's the zinc and metal fumes that can cause the irritation. Should heal in a couple days but in the meantime I've grounded him to the house.  

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Easter Seal/Rod Run


Today's offerings were, tie dye, canoeing, pool, big swing, rock wall and lake beach.  Kai declined all of them.  I insisted on finishing our t-shirts.

Kai actually did it.  Our version was him holding the ink bottle and squirting while I moved the shirt around in his ink stream.  
He went with bullseye and mine is stripes.

After lunch I insisted on heading back to the lake to watch the canoeing but he was onto me and wouldn't get close.  So we had a good long nap instead.  Or, I napped and he watched YouTube.  

Dinner was great.  Kids off to a movie and parents got a chance to chat.  

Lili was off with a friend to a hug a cow day event.  I was jealous.

I had suggested to Eric that he take Luk to watch a rod run go by.  I was a bit surprised when Jia sent me these pictures.

Apparently Eric figured they'd just go 'in' the rod run. I was jealous. 

Luk loved it.  
Oscar looked great all spiffed up.

A Jeep run makes sense, I'm not sure about a rod run.  Haha.

Great night for a drive.

It's one in the morning and I'm up listening to the storm. Thunder, lightning and rain.  So crazy after such a beautiful day.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Easter Seal Camp


We're at Camp Shawnigan.
It's gorgeous here.
There are a few familiar faces. Kai is happy here.

Team 1 up performing their song.

We were team five. I think his partner is named Ting Ye, I'll clarify tomorrow.  She is very sweet, she is here with her Mom.  We have another family in our group but they seem to have moved to a different group already.  They found friends they met at Camp Squamish.

Team poster and chant time to earn our last song verse.  This is our counselor Calum.  He's here from Ireland.  Shannon he was with Dagen a lot and loved hearing from Kai that they are friends.

This is the text I just sent Eric -

...I got up in front and sang the camp song we spent the evening scavaging the lyrics to.  One other Mom, her daughter and our counselor.  WAY out of my comfort zone.  Kai refused to come to the front and sing with us.  Haha.  Another councilor took pity and joined me.  I told Kai he was replaced and he laughed so hard.

He also in great detail told a counselor from last year all about the backstory of Mufasa and Scar in the new movie he has seen the trailer for and it's an origin story.  Ya.  And it was clear.  I looked at him and said "who are you?"  He laughed at that too.

He literally told her it was an origin story...

Kai hated the obstacle course but he did get three bean bags whipped into the corn hole thing.

He remembered the way to dinner.  Haha.  Dinner was great.

No bunk beds.  It's rough but our needs are met.  I forgot to pack a night light. Oops.  We have a weird hallway that I can leave the light on in and then leave our room door open a bit so we've figured it out.  

Snack was one small slice of watermelon so I'm glad we brought snacks ;)  We're in jammies and settled by 9.

Night all.