
Our family.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Easter Seal/Rod Run


Today's offerings were, tie dye, canoeing, pool, big swing, rock wall and lake beach.  Kai declined all of them.  I insisted on finishing our t-shirts.

Kai actually did it.  Our version was him holding the ink bottle and squirting while I moved the shirt around in his ink stream.  
He went with bullseye and mine is stripes.

After lunch I insisted on heading back to the lake to watch the canoeing but he was onto me and wouldn't get close.  So we had a good long nap instead.  Or, I napped and he watched YouTube.  

Dinner was great.  Kids off to a movie and parents got a chance to chat.  

Lili was off with a friend to a hug a cow day event.  I was jealous.

I had suggested to Eric that he take Luk to watch a rod run go by.  I was a bit surprised when Jia sent me these pictures.

Apparently Eric figured they'd just go 'in' the rod run. I was jealous. 

Luk loved it.  
Oscar looked great all spiffed up.

A Jeep run makes sense, I'm not sure about a rod run.  Haha.

Great night for a drive.

It's one in the morning and I'm up listening to the storm. Thunder, lightning and rain.  So crazy after such a beautiful day.