
Our family.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Can we monetize this?


Day 1.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4.

Day 5.

So, it was quite apparent at Easter Seal Camp that Kai had no interest in any activities.  He was happy to get to the room or for meals to be over so he could have his phone.  There is wifi there.  Once home Eric and I chatted about how to get him engaged with anything other than his screen.  I know it's a teen issue in general but his screen time isn't particularly useful.  Not chatting, not gaming with friends, not music, not reading, not watching shows, not taking pictures.  Just YouTube and puzzle games.

I had complimented his sqiggles at camp so we got up the next morning to him sitting at the table filling a page with what looks like brains or a maze.  He filled the back of the paper too.  We complimented his effort to do something with his hands and had him hang it on the fridge.  To my surprise he repeated the task the next day and the next.

So, I was viewing it like watching a science experiment and was REALLY curious to see how many days he would do a squiggly drawing in green.  Eric mentioned he could use other colors.  I shut Eric down but it was too late.  Day four we saw brown.  My curiosity is about his need for routine.  It's stronger than all other likes and dislikes.  He does things because it's the routine not because he wants to.  Except we can't really teach the parts of routine we want, he gloms onto certain parts for unknown reasons.  Only he knows and he's not talking.

Anyways.  Apparently he now draws a squiggle daily before his cereal.  Yes, cereal every day.  However he will now eat any cereal not just multi grain Cheerios.  Not gonna lie, he still happily gobbles the Cheerios if they're presented.

Anyone want a squiggle?  We have a few here :)

I wanted lazy days of summer, this is what it looks like sometimes.

The mess in the last picture was our back to school shopping for the boys.  They're ready.  I think.  Jia declined getting up and coming with us.  We are not at all ready for him to get back to school.