
Our family.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Fei's Gotcha


20 years ago we were gifted with the sweetest little baby.

Today we got to celebrate Fei.
Getting all of us together is more and more rare.  We pet goats, watched their stampede, dinner at Spaghetti Factory and an evening stroll at the breakwater.  A perfect day.

The shocked face ;)

Kai was THRILLED and declared every single one of them a cute baby goat.

Jia is behind Eric. All three declined petting goats.  Weird.

Lili touched when I pushed her for a picture but she did enjoy watching the hillarious antics of goat butting, goat zoomies and goats nibbling on everyone's things.

I think he might have pet every goat there.

Little Pixie, the last goat born, she is 4 weeks.  A total doll.

She seemed to quite like Kai and kept coming back.

And even attempted a wee nap until another little guy rampaged past and she had to go chase.


At one point during goat zoomies Fei got knocked.  Her knee locked and she got pushed back while standing still.  I could hear her runners slide on the gravel.  Crazy.  Her knee is still bothering her.  A goat attacking accident.

Waiting for the stampede.

We were all waiting to see Pixie come but we talked to the farm owner on the way out and she is too little and was held back with her Mama.

If cars can be cute, then ours are definitely cute.  Haha.  Here is one of our first moments of maybe missing the van a tad.  We did discuss insuring the Commander today but we were rushed for time and just took two cars.  It is rare that we're all together.

Gorgeous night for a stroll.

We're geeky enough that we were all excited to see the cruise ships in port.

This is my favorite.  Kai is busy telling me about all the cute baby goats.  He kept saying in a crooning way "awe, look at the cute baby goat, awe".