We made it to Wal-Mart and here's another photo from that trip, note that Jia is pushing the cart...she is totally PUSHING the cart, she grabs on and grunts and pushes like crazy. Too funny.
And then when I add photos in with the words, I can't get the words back to the left.
Here is Jia in her new stylin' stroller!
Jia went ahead and had a third nap.
We had dinner at a buffet at the Silk Market, it was ok and most importantly it had purple ice cream and Jia was beyond excited about that.
Cabs are a whole different thing here, they barter for the fare! I hate that. I liked the meters. Sigh. Also we've all six of us been craming into cabs all along and now they make a big fuss out of there being six of us. It's a pain but we're managing and I'm sure we'll get better at it. We've never had to barter for a cab ride before. When we got back, I put Jia to sleep, while Eric and Mom took the girls swimming, Helena was there and the girls had fun.
I don't feel ready to go home at all. We're largely on our own and so it's a bit holidayish. Home will be tons of work and being super busy.
Oh, and we drive past our old hotels to get to this one, they're both still there. Lili and Fei want to go have a look, so we probably will. Catherine, the Pizza Hut is still there :)
We found a Subway last night too, but went with the buffet instead so that Mom and the girls could have spaghetti again. Lili is happy to know there is a Subway and we've promised her we'll go there next time we're at the silk market.