
Our family.

Thursday, March 9, 2023


I feel like we won something.  Haha.  At least we'll definitely see a Doctor today.  In the past we have seen the line up go to the end of this hallway.  An hour and a half left to stand in this hallway.  There used to be a few chairs.  Sigh.  Eric and Luk are joining us after they get Kai in school.  Family outing.  

In other news, Jia and I tackled her math workbook.  216 pages, we did 9. It was 3.5 hours. It was hard.  We had to work together to understand what they wanted us to learn.  We are NOT loving it.  I have my own things to do in a day.  So the busy I normally feel just got worse for the forseeable future. Pray for us.