
Our family.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Charles Mcgee

I can not believe we're homeschoolers.  Luk and I have done a ton today.  We forced Jia to piggy back his projects so she has extra to turn in.  These are paper sculptures in the style of Charles Mcgee doing relief sculpture.  Why can't we just do reading, writing and arithmatic?  Arg.  I wanted Jia to do a page of writing so this could double into history.  She disagrees.  
So much math. Shockingly both Jia and Luk are learning improper fractions, reducing fractions and adding fractions. Wild it's the same stuff.  His are single digits, hers are double.  
It's that time again.  Eric spent the bulk of the day weedwacking and mowing. 

The new solar panels are both working. 
We got Fei to test drive a car today. Eric and I love it. Dodge Dart. It won't be on the lot long. Fei is thinking on it.  She still likes her car.