
Our family.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Missing Onyx

Eric is putting in new exhaust manifolds on Oscar. He loves this stuff.  
Behind him is the loaner car for while Onyx is in Victoria at the dealership getting her recalled transmission/clutch replaced.  
 We've been dealing with a defunct screen/radio head and the dealership/salesman has been vague.  We were told it would need to be diagnosed when it came in. It took a month for the clutch parts to come in. When we dropped it off with service the fellow mentioned that it had been noted in the file that the screen was delaminating.  Meaning they already knew it needed replacement. Arg.  
Slimy dealing.
If they had been upfront the parts could have been ordered and waiting, instead Onyx will be there for extra days waiting.  So frustrating.
We buy from car lots and pay extra to avoid these things.
Our salesman is a nice guy to chat with but I can see now why the Willie Dodge reviews are so horrible.
My trust and confidence in leaving Onyx there is pretty low.

Luk has an eye specialist appointment in Victoria today so Eric will swing by and check on things.  

Meanwhile we're sharing one car.  
Lili helped out with some driving yesterday, Jia to a watercolor workshop, me to the dentist and she picked up her Yen at the bank for Japan and we also enlisted Fei on Tuesday to pick Kai up from social skills playgroup.
It takes a village occasionally.
I ordered Eric over 200 ducks to have in his Jeep. So fun right?!
His response...."where will I put those?".  I think he was secretly pleased. Haha.
I told him his selection was better than my duck stash and he immediately offered to trade. 
Yesterday afternoon Jia had an appointment and afterwards wanted a hair cut, Eric ducked a Jeep in the parking lot while we waited. He's been ducking with me but it's never been his idea before and he's never been the one to place the duck.  

This little face.  
Her ear is slightly back and the whiskers are forward.  She's having mischievous thoughts.

A few nights ago I woke up to a really loud crash.  I knew it was Jerry's cage hitting the floor.  YIKES!
I made it downstairs and found the cage on it's side, the roof was off and most of the things had flown out.
I yelled up EMERGENCY to Eric.
Shockingly Jerry was still in the cage.
He was under the fleece flooring and sleepy.  I don't think a cat would stick around to catch him after the scary loud crash but I thought we'd be up all night looking for Jerry.
It definitely could have been disastrous.
Eric and I cleaned up and settled Jerry in the little cage.  He spent the night in the guest room behind a closed door.
Eric got up the next day and anchored the cage to the cabinet.

I've given the family permission/orders to clap, yell, stomp and scare any cat looking at Jerry.

We don't know which cat it was.  Eric thinks Oliver, kids think Walter, I'm fairly certain it was Esmei.  She was acting weird afterwards and she had previously been spotted having a look in the cage.  As an indoor cat I'm sure Jerry's home is catvision tv.
She is also a cat klutz and the most likely to have had something go wrong.  She routinely misjudges her leaps in my room.  I can't leave things on the desk top near the bed, she jumps from the bed, lands on the things and slides off the other side.  Total cat klutz.

The new pool liner is being delivered today.  There has been debate about keeping the pool or not.  We finally chose to keep going.  If the heat, fires and drought are as bad as anticipated then having water here is a good thing.  Eric is trying to figure out how to keep the water currently in the pool.  We haven't come up with any viable options yet.  We have to do the swap before June.  He is starting to mumble about not enough time at home to do all the things. Once again asking for less camping.  Sigh.

Eric found a welder on Amazon he wanted and he brought me his phone to show me.  It was only $180.  I ordered it right away with the one swipe.  The look of joy on his face at a new tool/toy.  He has a bunch of projects in his head already.  Prominently he's excited to have a portable welder for Jeepapaloosa.  With the new box on the trailer holding the generator and welder he can fix things away from home.  In these moments of marraige it just becomes more and more clear that we have nothing in common.  He's all prepared and I'm totally fly by the seat of our pants on a wish and a prayer.

Shannon and I entered the cruise talks again.  Then played with calenders, ideas and some cruise math.  We didn't make any actual plans yet.  However....I found stand by cruises through Holland America!!
I sooooo want to book one and see if we win a room.  
$49 a person per day plus port fees and taxes. You prepay and they let you know 7 to 2 days before departure if you're going.  Money back if you don't get picked.  1st on the list gets rooms.  Rooms can be from inside to suites.  It would really only work if you're in driving distance to the port.  It would be perfect for us on the Alaskan routes. 
I'm intrigued.  Eric is almost game.
The decision part is hinging on kids.  3rd and 4rth passengers are free so we 'should' bring a couple.  I want to take Jia and Luk.  Eric struggles big time with this.  Five in a room isn't an option and booking a 3 and a 2 doubles the cost. It would be a relaxing holiday for four of us if Kai stayed home.

Eric just left with Kai and Luk, we have Joey and Rosie here.  Joey howls when he is alone or thinks he's alone so his howls are beckoning me downstairs.  Sigh. Joey avoids me, I can't catch him but he'll accept my presence versus the dreaded alone thing.
And so another busy day starts.