
Our family.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Mother's Day and Japan Disney


We took a break for a DQ snack on a busy day.  Mom came with us for a vegan Dilly bar.  Our cones had the new confetti, cake batter dip.  The boys loved it, I didn't.  Curiosity appeased.

Eric and I headed out in the morning.  Canadian Tire, Dollarama and Walmart.  Solving problems and gearing up for this week.  We got the part we needed for Oscar for towing the trailer this weekend.  We have no faith that Onyx will be back in time to do her job.  We got spa and pool supplies.  A stand up ac unit for the living room.  $298 at Walmart if anyone needs one. Camping food for us and ingredients so Eric could make me lasagna for dinner last night.

I have nothing scheduled for today so my plan is to be at my desk.  In jammies so I can't get side tracked.  
Lili made it to Disney Circle C.  Unfortunately it's pouring, windy and cold.

She has a friend to spend the day with.  They're soaked.  She bought another poncho and umbrella.  They're making the best of it.
The universe owes Lili a dry Disney day.  It was torrential when we last went together.

Ring camera antics.  Coming home from shopping, desperate to get to the potty, starving and feeling a bit dizzy and have a lot to load in the house and Lili starts talking to me from Japan through the door camera, wishing me a Happy Mother's Day.  Hillarious.  Definitely creepy.  Haha.