I bought an old built in shelf years and years ago. We finally found a place for it. The cedar for the walls has been brought up and it's continuing to dry. The latest project was getting the vinyl decking laid down. We don't normally hire people to work around here. They mostly drive Eric nuts and he usually would rather do everything himself. Buying the supplies to do the deck wasn't much less than hiring a sundeck company. So we did. Then they laid it down in three chunks with two seams. Oy. So with much debate and complaining the owner agreed to redo it. It's only a 6' deck. It was finished today. It's all tarped with a heavy duty heater on it. So grateful for Eric. He did a lovely job of being patient and working it out with the sundeck people. I wasn't so great about it. I had the owner mansplain slope to me. I would have forgone the deposit and demanded they get out of my house but Eric jumped in and salvaged the project.