
Our family.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Lili -17

Before they headed out Lili was looking for medical help. Fei and I wanted her to do it herself.  I told her what she needed and she gathered the supplies.  Then called me so I was with her and the professors and a couple students while a minor surgery was performed in the hotel hallway.

For everyone who knows Lili in real life, yes, it was Lili dramatic.  She's so sweet, everyone was great about it.  Her roommate performed more surgery on her leg later.  He's done a first aid course and wasn't squeamish.  Yes, she now has two roommates and one is a boy.  Gasp.  He seems nice.  All of them are just friends.

She is sleeping now, tomorrow is their last day for fun.  The group is hiking in the jungle.  Lili says she's skipping out and staying at the hotel to do school work and rest her leg.  We'll see though, fomo is strong with her.