
Our family.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Lili is recovering nicely from her tonsil and adnoid surgery. She has rejected pain meds, she didn't like how they made her feel. She's on soft food for a week and she's hungry! She's still napping lots. Eric moved another couch up from the basement and we've made a bed for her on one of the couches.
Tree got decorated last night, school is done until the new year and I've planned Jia's second birthday party in the last few days. Time to relax a bit this weekend.
We just watched Mr. Poppers Penquins, loved it. Very funny.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wild day, the nurse in recovery was a friend from school too. Two old friends today. Both absolutely amazing with Lili. Sure did help with my day! Benefits of a small town ;)
Her care here in the little/old hospital has been stellar.
Lili is napping. She's sipped some water and tried some jello. Swallowing is too hard.
She's doing great.
She looks awesome. Good color, breathing well. She's in pain, so they've given her morphine and some codine. She's dozing again. One happy Mama to have the hard part over!
She's in the o r
Her nurse in the surgery room was a friend of mine from school. Lots more tears. They forgot to put the numbing cream on her hand so the anathesiologist (sp?) said I couldn't walk her back. Honestly she is so drugged it really wasn't necessary. So, I'm waiting in the main waiting room in my scrubs. Still getting to be in the recovery room. I'm told she'll be in the o r about an hour.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
The girls and I were having a perfectly lovely jamma day and woke up from a nap to find Eric home from riding and offering to take us to Victoria for dinner and a stroll through the gardens. Yay. We had an awesome time there. So relaxing. Jia LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the carousel. When we first arrived the first person we saw was a wee Chinese baby toddling on her way out. Turned out she lives in Nanaimo and just came home with her new parents a couple months ago. Our girls were just so thrilled to meet a new baby home from China, another Emily, and man-oh-man was she a cutie. Didn't catch the parents name, but I'm sure we'll see them again :)
It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be, perfect night. Jia was sporting her new baby gap snowsuit, totally adorable in it. She looks like a pink marshmallow. She was toasty warm in there though.
Piano Recital
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Lili's 9th Gotcha Day.
Lili gets to pick dinner today and she's decided on the pancake at Smitty's with the ice cream and chocolate sauce on it :)
I've been too busy lately to take many photos. Lots of missed opportunities for sure. The girls and I are going to a Celtic show tomorrow night and Sat. after music class the girls are dancing at Cairnsmore. At five it's piano recital time and we're all pretty excited about the girls first duet. They've practiced lots for that. They have their gowns and we're all set. We've been trying to get Jia to play bells while the big girls play but so far it's just not working. Would be soooo cute at the recital though. H & H are spending the night Sat. too so it's a pretty big day all around! Next week is school concerts, Lili's surgery, gingerbread houses at school and then pancake/movie/Santa day! Phew. Looking forward to the 16th and down time with the girlies at home.
The pictures of the girls and I in green were from last weekend. We took Jia to meet Santa. She wasn't so thrilled about that and I ended up in the picture. Thought that might happen, hence the matched shirt. The girls and Santa look great in the photo, me not so much, so not posting it.
The pink skirt is from Meiling and Jia just LOVES it. Another girlie girl for sure.