
Our family.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Leaving Elementary School


We got organized today for the Wednesday ceremony for the boys.  I snapped this picture, you know, for in case I miss the whole thing.  Kidding, but also not kidding.  Kai wants to wear his tuxedo t-shirt so we bought him some black shorts to go with it.  I suspect he won't be too interested in the event as a whole.  We might need to promise ice cream for after.

It's really Eric and I that need to celebrate.  We've been going to that little school for way too many years.  

Friday, June 21, 2024

Operation Downsize


Summer is here.  The doors are open and the critters are loving it.  Even Miss Esmei made it out.  Now we have to be mindful she's in because none of us think she'd know how to make it to the cat door or how to use the cat door. She hovers on the stairs, waiting for quiet moments to sneak out.

Oscar made it on the news at Jeepapaloosa.  Eric had Luk take a screen shot of the news bit for him.

It looks like I had heat exhaustion last week.  I'm feeling almost back to normal.  I'm a bit leary of leaving the house in general.  It took a few days to regain strength and fluids.

The trampoline is down.  I'm almost ready for the slide, climbing part to come down next.  A whole new era.  The swings will stay for now.

Eric and I had a morning off.  We started with a stroll in Crofton then onto the thrift store and a visit with DM and Al before picking up Luk and Kai.  The boys have 3 days of school next week before summer officially starts for us.

Now...the moho has been listed for three weeks.  No movement at all.  The first person to come look came yesterday.  They made an offer last night and we accepted it.  We have no clue if they will follow through.  They are younger than us with 6 kids and they loved the Island Queen so I think I can be happy where she is going.  They had a list of which ones they were interested in and ours was on their list and they had read the manual on line before they got here.  Six weeks of class A hunting and they were clearly excited about the condition of ours.  
The funny/super wierd part...three more people arranged viewings last night after they left but before their offer.  I then let them all know there was an accepted offer.  So, now we're not sure if they will show but we're home this weekend anyways.  I might have made a tactical error in telling the next folks.  Sigh.  I really don't love the selling part.  We're super close to being done with operation downsize.  Once the moho is gone, we just have the Commander to sell and I still don't really want to sell it.

Oh, oh, and I had said it needed to sell to someone who could appreciate what it is and last night I was chatting to a girl in Chilliwack who really wants it.  She's had two Commanders and the interior of her current one is trashed and it needs repairs so she wants one with less kms and that looks better but is nervous that ours hasn't had any major repairs done.  Weird.  But eh, whatever.  

I've caught up at my desk.  The kitchen is cleaned.  Jerry's mouse house is cleaned.  Pet care is all done. Laundry is almost caught up. Eric is doing serious yard work yesterday and today.  It's looking like we might have free time this weekend.  I of course have a mile long list of possible adventures.

Eric's sister Julie is on her way here from camping in Port Renfrew, she broke the hydraulic lift on Brie's roof. 

Eric put his new 8 ball stick shift knob in Oscar.  He's been playing with the new radios.  He also put in new shocks and claims his ride is as nice as mine now ;)  Haha.  I'm genuinely concerned about the amazon list as he keeps adding Jeep parts.  I maybe should have set him up with golf.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day.

Awe.  Love.

We got him two radios for being on the trails, a 8 ball shifter knob for Oscar and some treats.

One of the treats was marshmallow banana candies.  One of his favorites.  We roasted them on the fire and this definitely elevated them into a major treat.  Then we moved onto roasting toasted coconut marshmallows and wow.  A new must have for camp fires.

It was a great day.  The kids were all there for lunch.  Eric made us tuna steaks.  Cathryn and Marty stopped in for a visit.  Then when it started to rain everyone dispersed.  We hung around inside, movie for Eric and a nap for me.  We had dinner with the boys and mosied on home.
Facebook memory, Father's Day from six years ago, also at Bamberton!


Saturday, June 15, 2024


I didn't get many pictures.  It was definitely a couch in the forest relaxation weekend.

Shannon, Ken, Zoey and Dagen joined us.  Lili was supposed to camp but life got too busy and she needed to crash a bit this weekend.  

The site was quite awesome and super private.  The mossy forest floor behind us was really pretty.

Mom, Lili and I drove down to the beach.  I'm still not feeling quite right.  Weak and tired.  

The rest of them did the hike.  Fei and Kai joined us for the ride back up and then I went back and got Eric and the boys.  Jia and Zoey hiked up and down but declined hanging with us at the beach.

Their first kiss.
I've been asking Eric to get this shot for me since we got Onyx.  So, so cute.

This tree looks so weird, like a bent metal piece under it.  We stopped on a walk and pondered on it for a while.

The iconic pictures.


We got up early and got our shots.

This was Lili's chosen 'one' picture I'm allowed to post to Facebook :)

There are a bunch but I'll post them here when we're home.  The service sucks at Bamberton.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Lili's Graduation

Our gorgeous girl.
We were all so excited to see her walk in.  It takes a lot to get to this point and we're super, super proud of our Lili for her accomplishments.  The day itself is involved.  It was an all day event getting us all here and looking pretty.
We were there early in insure good seats.  It was stupid hot in here. The seats were tremendously uncomfortable.  I was a fidgety mess.  My french fries lunch eaten in the car enroute wanted out.  I left the auditorium a few times feeling sick but I really, really, really didn't want to miss seeing Lili walk across the stage. 

I did leave when it became crucial I not vomit in the stands.

And then I very dramatically made it all about me and fainted in the ladies washroom. For real.  
Such a drama queen.

This is the only picture I got of the family. Before my medical emergency time.

How's this for our only family picture that I told Jia to get so he's not even in it.

Lili was aware that I was missing before she walked and was quite upset.  She thought perhaps I had left to get Kai.  The rest of the family saw her walk and then all left which of course freaked Lili right out so she was crying and left wandering around outside looking for us.  I couldn't possibly feel any worse about this.

I asked a security guard if there was somewhere I could lay down.  Nope.  I said I'm fainting.  A woman near the bathroom asked if she should get help.  I said yes.  Then made it to the corner of the bathroom and sat on the floor as I fainted.  All very lady like and dignified.

I woke to a different security woman asking if I needed help.  Uh...I'm laying on a public washroom floor, sweating profusely and not really lucid.  So, yes, please.  

I did text Fei that I was on the floor.  She sent Jia.
I was sooooo relieved to see him.
Then a first aid attendant came.  He got me moved to the change room while security tried getting people to wait coming in.  Eric arrived and helped my lay on a bench.  Then he figured out how to lower the massage table they brought for me to lay on. Sigh.  Of course.
I HATE making a fuss.
I can NOT BELIEVE I missed the big moment and I'm ruining Lili's day.

A lot of bathroom trips, a lot of vomiting, profusely sweating while in a cold clamy sweat all while feeling like I'm burning up. And not totally coherent.  I ate a fruit roll up thinking sugars are too low.  First aid guy brought glucose tablets.  The shaking got better after that.  Fei was draping cold cloths on me, taking vitals and offering sips of water.

Gramma brought Lili to us around this point, I think.  She was so upset and worried.  We were all worried.  An ambulance was on the way.  911 was insisting they talk to me on the phone.  I was asking Eric for no hospital.  I know the drill and about all they can do is hydrate me and run tests to tell us all the things we already know.  I am complex and frankly most medical personnel are just not well versed in total colectomies. I answered questions and then Eric took over and insisted they turn around, I heard him repeat over and over we didn't want an ambulance.  Phew.  I have no sense of time.
There were security guards everywhere!!! They were in the audience racially profiling and asking people to show their tickets to be inside.  Wild.  I'm not aware of any incidents. By the number of security people it's clear the University was concerned and being very cautious.

Eric and Fei got the pictures.
So grateful for these.

To the right.

Love this!

Meanwhile Kai was with Mary and Charles having a great time, puppies, snacks and they rented Kung Fu Panda 4 for him.  

This is the moment.  Finally done.  So emotional.  Lili did not anticipate so many emotions coming up through the day and none of us could have predicted such a dramatic event.
I felt perfectly fine leading up to the episode.
From Facebook.

Also from Facebook.

Dinner afterwards.  Eric and the other four kids were there too.  No pictures.  I'm the picture taker.

I drove Mom and I home after a nap in Onyx's back seat.  I had eaten apple and cheese and the sugars were back up.  I was just really tired.  We both made it home.  I let Izzy out for a pee and made it up to bed to nap.  I didn't wake until Eric touched me, he was checking for breathing.  It was sort of shocking they made it in past four dogs and I didn't hear them.  I mean Kai is really loud coming in.  

Eric made me some cheesy scrambed eggs and sourdough toast.  Diabetic friendly.  I ate and then drank a ton of water.  I went down, gave Finn his meds and watched tv with Eric.  Fei and Jia went to 7-11 and got me a small slurpee.  Major treat and nothing has felt better than the cold slush on my throat that is sore from throwing up acid bile. 

I think I experienced a trifecta of things.  Chrones irritation at fries, colectomy issues causing a total meltdown of function and a sugar low all while overheated and likely dehydrated.  
Jia got this one.

We didn't get to enjoy the party afterwards.

Lili has lots of friends.  She was able to celebrate afterwards.  The grads are supposed to turn in their caps and gowns but they let Lili take hers home so we can get the iconic pictures with her parents.  Which we have to do early because Lili is back to Nanaimo tomorrow morning.  She is invited to the first nation's graduation then to the library to work on completing her last assignments from the Japan course and finally to a bbq potluck.  

We're camping tomorrow.  All that is left to do is buy and pack food. I scared Eric, he's likely going to be forcing food on me for a while and double checking that I ate.  Fair, but still annoying.  I am shocked at how fast things went south.