- Eric has news! He's picked out a dog for himself and named her Isabella. Of course the rest of us are always ready to welcome home new babies. He's been mumbling about a big dog off and on for a while now so this wasn't totally out of left field for me, it is for the girls though. They're quickly getting excited about Isabella. We're not sure when she can come home, she is at the SPCA, we don't really know what she is or how old she is but she looks strikingly like our Kady Kades. We're guessing she is mostly black lab and she is about 8 weeks old. She won't be allowed home until she is spayed. New SPCA policy that all of their animals are spayed and neutered before they can go home. She is alert, adorable, cuddly and sweet. There were 7 puppies there, four were taken and we can't figure out why she wasn't chosen by anyone else but we're glad she wasn't. We said we'd never do big puppy again but here we go. Fei met her today, Eric took her on her own. She took a lot of pictures and really enjoyed playing with her. Lili won't get to see her until after school tomorrow.

Our family.