
Our family.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Still nothing

Well, Marg called the Ministry, they're short staffed, swamped, the girl that normally handles the files is on holidays and Marg was told 'if it's supposed to be here, it probably is'.  So, there could be a file there but we don't know about it yet.  This is so hard.  So frustrating.  Maybe we'll hear something tomorrow.  Do I sound like Pollyanna yet? 

Do we all agree that this is likely just a small taste of the patience this child is going to require me to have?! 

Celebrating the good stuff, Eric's sister moved all of her belongings out of our garage today and I can park in there again,  Lili and Fei called me to settle a fight and then they worked it out on their own,  Eric is making me comfort food for dinner and it's a bright sunny day and all is basically good in our world.