
Our family.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Hiking in Kootenay National Park

Campsite in Redstreak

This is the chicken take out place in Radium, with a yard full of Big Horn Sheep.

Mmmm...Okanagan Peaches!  We stopped at an orchard.  The field of peach trees smelled marvelous.

They're hard at work, making magic dust.  Yes, it's actually sifted ashes.  They'll find a way to play with anything.

I see you Mommie.

Columbia Ground Squirrels.  They were all around us at Kentucky/Allyne Lakes.

The girls are waiting for Ground Squirrels to poke their heads out of the holes so they could throw some dog food their way.

We couldn't believe how fabulous this spot was and we got it on a Friday! 

The big girls were playing and when Jia wanted to join in, Lili ran and got her a racket and birdie of her own.  She was thrilled with the game.

Fun with Lian.

Oh no Jia!  Don't hit baby May!!

She thought she was really getting away with something with the whole bag to herself.  Really no one liked the new cheese popcorn twists except her.

Here is our updated picture of Sophia.  We get her next Wed.  How stinkin' cute is she?!

After I fed Jia her bottle last night she layed quietly in my arms, then sighed and said "Jia home".  Aww, so sweet.  Everyone was thrilled to be home except me.  I wasn't so thrilled about having to come back to work.  I did miss Isabel and I'm looking forward to seeing her after work today.

The holiday was great.  Lots of fun and adventure.  Kudos to Lili and Fei for the amount of Teletubbies they had to watch.  We ended the trip with a visit to Cathryn, Marty, Jade and Lian's place.  They graciously let us park in front of their house with our trailer.  Jia had a riot there playing with Jade, while Lili, Fei and Lian kept busy on their own.

Then on Sunday we stopped to see Mary, Charles, Jade and baby May, who've just moved to Abbotsford.  They're only a few blocks away from Cathryn and Marty.  Really is a small world.  May and Jia weren't exactly thrilled with each other, there was a lot of screaming and fighting.  Jia even hit May a few times.  Ug.  They wanted what ever the other had in their hand.  Mary kept saying they obviously weren't going to be the best of friends.  I have to say though that Jia usually ignores other babies, or plays near them, she doesn't normally pay attention to what they're holding or try to interact with them.  So I think they could become friends one day. 

Not a lot planned for the next couple days.  Time to just be home and sort out the trailer so that we can head out again on Thursday.