
Our family.

Monday, November 21, 2011

More updates for Lili

I seriously LOVE this photo!  Miss Jia liked the face painting at Halloween so much that we've now got all the make up in the house hidden.  We're not sure what it is but she says it 'pretty'. 

I've always avoided taking the girls to book stores.  The little book store in our little town it ok but I've always worried about the wish list if they ever saw one of the big stores.  We did take them to Bolen Books and oh my...they were beyond delighted.  We were there a LONG time and they both made long lists of all of the books they now want.  Both of them are asking to go back, without Dad and Jia.  They're even telling me I can sit in the food court at the entrance and read a book while they're in there.  I knew this is what would happen if they found out such a place existed.

The new thrown.  It even makes a water flushing sound.  Jia truely loves her Pooh Bear potty.

I talked Sue into buying this bubble blower last summer for her grand babies.  A few weeks ago she turned it back into the thrift store.  Then Jia developed her facination with Nemo (Memo) and when it hit the shelf I bought it!  Too funny.  Fifty cents.  Jia was delighted with it and had a great time chasing bubbles (bubboos). 

Friends from Lili's travel group came last weekend.  Kids had a blast playing with Jade, Lian and their cousin Sean.  We're so glad they could make it over.

Lili enjoys looking at the pictures on the blog and often brings up really old posts and says "mom, remember this?".  It's always shocking how much younger they look.  Amazing how fast they all grow up.  She's been bugging me to put some new pictures up.

Jia is all about the potty right now.  She's had some success and she occasionally gets it right, announces what she needs to do and gets her clothing off and makes it to the potty, but really, way more pee gets on the floor than in her potty!  I've had days where it seems I've spent hours washing floors.  It doesn't upset her at all to pee before she's on the potty.  She's also taken' to peeing in the tub so now none of us want to bath with her right now.  She seems in better control of the poops and we are having some success with getting those in the potty.  It's such a HUGE deal for little kids.  Can't say that the rest of us are enjoying the process, I sorta wish she'd just stick with those diapers for a while yet instead of stripping down and peeing on the floor!   

Lili's tonsil/adenoid surgery has been moved up to Dec.14 so we're trying really hard right now to keep her from getting any colds.  She's staying away from any kids with a cough.  I've been keeping her in when it's raining.  I don't know, BC mold is everywhere and I'm not convinced that some of our gloomy mouldy weather isn't partly to blame for some throat issues.  I loved that our Lili could spend time in the library during school lunch in all of her previous years at our school.  She is always cold, so slight that it's hard for her to warm up once she's chilled and with the on going throat issues it was a blessing that she was in warm and dry.  This year her teacher prefers the kids go outside for fresh air.  I don't disagree with the fresh air.  However we do live in a 101 year old house so I'm pretty sure we're all getting fresh air all of the time :)  The kids do spend time outside regularly.  I'm not worried about the kids not getting enough fresh air.  I don't like being out in gloomy wet weather if I don't have to, Eric doesn't like it either and our kids have certainly learned this from us.  So it's hard to hear her come home from school telling us she had to go run in the rain.  I feel for her.  I'd hate to have to run in the rain too.   Pretty sure our Lili won't ever head to a career that will have her working out in the disagreeable elements.  So for now we're fingers and toes crossed that she can keep the colds, flues, strep and tonsillitis at bay until after her surgery.  We're still on a wait list hoping for sooner. 

Both big girls are practicing daily for their Christmas recital.  They get to do a duet this year, so they're both pretty excited about that.  Jia likes to dance to their music.  So cute. 

I've finished my Christmas shopping for the girls.  Hoping to get it wrapped soon.  I'd love to head into December with free time to enjoy the extra events.  Can't wait to see Jia's reaction this year.  She was too young last year to have any clue.  The girls have been showing her pictures of Santa and trees.  So far she isn't interested.  She is however very interested in Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Nemo or Memo as she calls him.  She requests Memo in the car constantly and every time there is a Disneyland commercial on she screams Mickey Mouse!  We're all excited for her to see Disneyland and Mickey Mouse in Feb!  I remember when Fei met Winnie the Pooh when she was three, she ran to him and hugged him so hard.  I cried it was so sweet. 

My Mom hosted a ladies craft/lunch party at my place this past Sunday for the women of our family.  It was a lot of fun and none of us thought to take even one picture.  Mom brought a craft for Jia and it took both of us working in a flurry to keep it going and under semi control.  It was a paper chain and once it was done, we hung it in the kitchen entrance and Jia was so thrilled with it that when Eric came home she showed it to him right away. 

All is basically good.