
Our family.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ist camping trip of the year.

Off to the river.

Five families, 12 kids.  Not all in this picture.

Lili and I went home for a shower and when we got back little miss was very upset and really wanted Mama, she fell off her bike while trying to roll down a little hill.  She told me she fell off her bike and broker her arm, that's why she couldn't walk.  I didn't want to miss the group walk and play at the river so thought I'd try using the old sling, it was awkward and we were slow moving but it worked.  Jia loved it and was dozing all the way.

Isabel did fantastic on the trip.  I was extremely impressed.  We were starting to think she'd never leave puppyhood behind, but she was just great all weekend.  She loved camping, loved all the walks, loved all the attention from the kids.  She loved the swimming too until she got caught in the rapids. 

10 of the 12.  Jia refused to get in the picture, she was still cuddling with me, still upset about falling off of her bike.  Dagen isn't in the group picture either.

Here he is all smiles with Mommy.  Getting ready to walk in the water with Dad.  So cute.  Such an infectious laugh.

Rocks, sticks and dog poop bags.  It's all good.

Crashed on the walk back.

Next four pics stolen from Shannon's facebook, phone pics, not so clear.
Kalum is in a pout by the tree and in a total act of solidarity Jia joined him.  I couldn't stop laughing.  I doubt she had any idea what Kalum was even upset about.

Water pump!

Lacie joined the kids in walking the log.  Too funny.

Firewood, worlds greatest stacking toys.

The first trip out is always the most work.  Big thanks to Eric this year for doing most of it all on his own.  He and the big girls even went out at noon and set up in the pouring rain, well, Eric set up and the girls sat in the car and watched a movie while eating their wrapzone lunch.  Jia was visiting Gramma and Grampa for lunch.

So, the only thing we forgot was ladies deodorant, so Lili and I had to use Eric's speed stick.  Not bad for the first trip out. 

Jia woke up on our last morning and said 'is it morning?  are we done camping?  can we camp just one more?'   She is totally gung ho to get out there again.  We barely saw the big girls.  They were busy, busy with their friends.  Love these group camp outings.  Super busy though.