We're all home. Luk is in bed. My phone pedometer says I walked 6300 steps. So that was a really decent walk for Luk!! Maybe we need to promise candy to get him walking. Big girls managed their first evening out on their own. Miss Jia was great as a vampire. Her choice. I thought she'd be unhappy to be not pretty but she had fun with it. So, we have celebrated all day and we're all wiped.

Our family.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
The egg toss. It was a frenzy of throwing. Thank you Eric for cleaning up! Luk missed the fun, still asleep. Maybe next year. Totally missed taking a picture of the target stage!
T or T downtown.
We had fun. Sad the big girls didn't want to come. Took Luk a bit to figure out what we were doing but once he realized it was candy people were giving him he was all ready to keep moving. He walked for an hour and a half. He was too tired to eat lunch and we made him have a nap that he was massively unhappy about but he napped for four and a half hours!
I'm not a fan but Jia has been asking for over a year for gymnastics. We told her if she started behaving at school and doing her home work joyfully we would enroll her. This past Thursday was her first class. She was over the top excited and proud that she met her goals. She was so cute. Fei and I stayed and watched. She was grinning through most of her class and she can't wait to go again next week.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Luk's first field trip.
Mama guilt. I didn't go. Eric took him. They went to his teacher's farm to her pumpkin patch. He had a good time. Eric sent these pictures.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Corn Maze
Excellent weather this year. No mud! If only Luk had been on board for an outing. He was up past bed time for the Halloween train and then was grumpy most of Saturday. Sigh. He didn't care for the bumpy hay ride, the sound of the tractor, the smell of the dirt/corn/pumpkins and hay. He was done with the day once we went into the corn. It was hard for him to walk over the fallen stalks. I ended up taking him out to the look out and we just stood around while Eric and the girls found the stakes and finished the maze. The second I said we could go he said "that way" and he was right! He did like that he got a pumpkin at the end.
We had a quick dinner out and then the big girls and I met Mom, Dad and Lesley for a movie.
Thankfully Luk was in bed on time last night and he's all happy and singing again today.