
Our family.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

One month with Kai.

Kai has been home with us for one month today!  Shocking how fast that went by.

Kids are enjoying spring break.  We have very little planned.  Just loving the break from the normal busy shedule.

Eric has been working on the props for Lili's play.  Will be good to have that done.

Kai continues on with potty training.  He's not totally thrilled.  He hasn't pooped since Sat. morning.  A few pee  accidents and a few pees on the toilet.  He can really hold it! He likes the celebrating part and he is going willingly but he'd much prefer we left him in a diaper.  Trying hard to keep momentum going while not pushing or creating too much pressure but still trying to be firm. 

Luk is upset that he isn't getting any candy so we've told him he can earn some too.  Just has to tell us when he needs a change.  He hasn't come to tell us once.  Too funny really because he could just say he needed a change randomly and he'd get it right since he is steadily going! 

Kai is really working the temper tantrums. Almost always triggered by Eric moving him.  Tonight's 20 min. screaming fit was because he was kicking over Jia and Luk's Lego creations and Eric asked him to come away and he refused so he was escorted out of the living room. He makes a distinct crying sound of WAH, WAH, WAH when he's not  getting his way.  The actual melt downs from frustration and fear are getting less and less. 

I'd like to know how nannies in China typically deal with tantrums.  He has his tantrum finely tuned.  He manages to squeeze out tears and open his eyes a bit to peek at us and he can stop the whole screaming, kicking and tears in a second flat if he thinks he's going to get his way. I just can't fathom an orphanage setting that would allow that behaviour and he couldn't have perfected this in such a short amount of time.  Could he?

The other four don't react at all when Kai has a tantrum.  They step away from him and carry on.  Luk has thankfully stopped trying to copy Kai. You have to wonder what he's thinking when we all just carry on. 

Other than the few minutes of tantrums  he puts us all through scattered randomly through the day he's doing really great.  He is smiley and joins in.  He likes learning new things.  He's figuring out this living in a family thing.