
Our family.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Updated home.

Luk had an ultrasound, looking to see if he had impacted fecal matter.  Of course they didn't tell Eric if he does.  Children's is hoping he does and that if cleared he could potty train.  We think wishful thinking.  Funny part, ultra sound technition finds fluid in his belly, yup he has a shunt.  Then his bladder is empty and she questions if he drank his water, yup, he's neurogenic and his bladder is the size of a newborn's.  Sigh. Eric reported that Luk talked the entire time. Haha.

We met with Kai's community/ministry social worker.  Who feels that the challenges we still face and especially at school could be dealt with by a service dog.  Which at first we totally rejected.  However.  Everything she mentioned sounded pretty great.  So worth considering.  We meet again in a few weeks.

Jia is on a mission to get a little sister.  Oh how I would love another little girl.  Jia is picturing 7 - 9 and I'm picturing 2 - 3.  Haha.  This is NOT in the works.

Lili and Fei are both struggling with how much homework they have.  The holiday came with a price.

Fei has dental surgery on Monday.  8 teeth coming out.  We are NOT looking forward to this.

We're all wishing we were still on holiday.  Home is hard and busy.