
Our family.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Jia's 1st Birthday!
Our baby turned one today! What a fun day. We rented a pool and party room which made things nice and easy for us. Jia had a great time and that's what counts the most. When everyone was eating cupcakes, she had a bottle and a jar of butternut squash :) ;Couldn't get her to blow out the candle. After the party Penny and girls came over for dinner and a play. Just before Jia went to bed she did some show off walking for us. I think we've turned a corner on the walking, she no longer needs someone holding out their hands to catch her, she is just taking off across the room now. Yesterday she learned how to open doors! Yikes, we're not quite ready for her to be at that level. Time to baby proof a bit more. She is such a busy girl. What a little doll she is. Lili says she is growing up way too fast. I agree, the big girls are growing up too fast too!!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Santa cookies
The girls baked and decorated cookies for Santa, yearly tradition. Jia decorated one too! Which was seriously cute. What a gift our Jia is this year!
The girls had a great time of course. Sufficiently spoiled. Jia took the new events in stride. She is such an easy going kid. Gramma and Grampa got her a Cinderella ride on car, that is such a hit that she sat on it for lunch and then again this morning for breakfast. Funny stuff. Lili and Fei got Wii and several games so I don't think we'll see much of them for a few days. We did manage to get a new TV (Samsung, 42" plasma). The girls are thrilled. They weren't thrilled with shopping for a TV but now that they have the Wii and it makes sense they are. My parents slept over Christmas Eve, I think they were hoping the girls would get up early and be super excited. Nope, they slept until 8:30!! All three of them. We normally make them eat breakfast before we start but after they did socks and the baby was doing so great, we figured we'd just keep going. In the afternoon we took off to the city to have dinner at the Gardens with friends. We've never gone out for Christmas dinner before. Nice to not be cooking! Eric had the turkey which he said was OK, the girls and I had regular menu stuff. The lights were fabulous and the rain held off while we were there and started to drizzle as we were leaving. Lucked out. We bought our seasons pass and it's good for Christmas day next year. It was such a nice way to end the day that there is a distinct possibility we'll do that again. Jia did great. No fussing at all. She loved watching the brass band and the carolers.
Now I have the beginning of a cold, ugh, Jia too. We're going to a pantomime tomorrow. We've been going to one the week after Christmas since the girls were really little. I'm really looking forward to seeing Jia's reactions to everyone booing the bad guy!! Then we're home to make cupcakes for Jia's 1st Birthday! Wow, did that ever come up fast! We're hoping everyone remembers the party. It's a busy time of year.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Train
We rode the train with friends after the girls had their dance party/recital. The weather was perfect, not too cold and no rain or snow. The kids had fun. Jia took that outing in stride. She didn't look particularily thrilled but there was no fussing and she was busy looking around.
Tonight we bravely head out shopping to grab a few food/house/baby essentials. We've also been shopping for a new tv, so that we can move ours downstairs. We think the girls might need a better tv to use with their Christmas gift. So, the big burning question of the day, plasma or lcd or led? We hate shopping for electronics, it's just not our thing. The girls asked why we needed a new TV and I told them it would be nice for them to have a better TV downstairs, they still haven't clued in. Hopefully a deal lands in our laps tonight.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Getting ready
The girls and the tree are lovely, but LOOK at that FLOOR!
Oh wow.
Can I open it now? It has my name on it.
Oh look, my thumb just poked right through the paper.
Now Mom is putting the baby gate around the tree!!
So, Saturday night the tree just had lights and berries on it so we finally went through the decorations and got the tree and mantel done. We downscaled the decorating because of Jia and Isabel but it's still festive. Eric and the girls picked a scotch pine for our tree. Don't do it folks. They look lovely but deadly sharp needles on that sucker and we had to wear cloves to decorate. I should say the girls wore gloves, I just handed them the doo dads after getting stuck by the tree a couple times. So, it took all weekend but we're ready now. The new floor is down and it's truely lovely.
Odds and Ends
Making new friends.
The piano is a beckon for Jia, she must play with the girls!
I just don't have time to blog everyday. So, I'm cramming a bunch of posts all on one day. The girls are out of school until the 4th. 17 days off in a row. Gosh, I sure wish I had all of those days off with them. I'm at work blogging since there just isn't any time at home :) I do get five days off for Christmas this year, my flex worked out for me this year.
Jia is getting stronger every day, she is starting to spend the bulk of her day on her feet. She is seriously on the go. Into cupboards, drawers and toilets. We never had to lock anything with Lili and Fei. Not sure if we're older and lazy, if she really moves more than Lili and Fei did or if our house is simply too big but we're going to have to get some kid safety gadgets if she doesn't slow down! The other day I wanted to get dishes done so I let her play in the food cupboard and it was amazing how long a bag of potatoes kept her amused. She is now crawling up the stairs the whole way! We do have gates, we only let her climb when we're behind her.
I've always wanted to string cranberries for the tree. Since Lili has been studying pioneer days I thought it was time. We all worked together and made a great long string. It's lovely, we had fun making it. Now I'm worried that there are fresh berries rotting on our tree, possibly putting red ick on my special things. Hopefully they dry rather than rot further.
School Christmas Concert
Such fun. The whole school did a fabulous job. We as parents weren't involved at all this year other than dressing our own kids and getting them there. Next year we'll be able to jump in and help again. The last picture is of the whole school, doesn't look like many kids when you cram them together on a stage.
It's pretty and it tastes good too!
Fun Family Literacy Night
Chomped his head off first!
Hmmm, this guy again?!
She would NOT take her eyes off of Baby Bear!
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