
Our family.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Odds and Ends

Making new friends.

The piano is a beckon for Jia, she must play with the girls!

I just don't have time to blog everyday.  So, I'm cramming a bunch of posts all on one day.  The girls are out of school until the 4th.  17 days off in a row.  Gosh, I sure wish I had all of those days off with them.  I'm at work blogging since there just isn't any time at home :)  I do get five days off for Christmas this year, my flex worked out for me this year.

Jia is getting stronger every day, she is starting to spend the bulk of her day on her feet.  She is seriously on the go.  Into cupboards, drawers and toilets.  We never had to lock anything with Lili and Fei.  Not sure if we're older and lazy, if she really moves more than Lili and Fei did or if our house is simply too big but we're going to have to get some kid safety gadgets if she doesn't slow down!  The other day I wanted to get dishes done so I let her play in the food cupboard and it was amazing how long a bag of potatoes kept her amused.  She is now crawling up the stairs the whole way!  We do have gates, we only let her climb when we're behind her. 

I've always wanted to string cranberries for the tree.  Since Lili has been studying pioneer days I thought it was time.  We all worked together and made a great long string.  It's lovely, we had fun making it.  Now I'm worried that there are fresh berries rotting on our tree, possibly putting red ick on my special things.  Hopefully they dry rather than rot further.