
Our family.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

For My May RQ friends

Finally, some good news and light at the end of the tunnel for all the May Folks!!   It's an R3 that May 10 is the cut off date!  We're in!  We're in!  We're in!  Oh and in case you missed it...
We're In!!

Now...if only that would move up to an R4 or 5 and if only we knew if the referrals have been mailed and if only we knew when we're going to see our child's face for the first time.  It just makes me giddy to know that somewhere there is a package with a file for us, letting us know after all these years who our child is?  Is it a boy or a girl (we asked for a girl).  Is it a baby, toddler or a little kid?  Where is she?