
Our family.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Feeling better?
We all had a head cold except Lili who seemed to be hit harder and had a week at home. Then we made it through Fei's party and were all struck down by the following weekend with a flu. Yikes. Back to back sickness and it got all five of us. Lili seems better and has been back at school all this week. Fei came home last week with a 39.8 fever and she just went back today. She had several meltdowns this morning and I ended up taking Lili to school and Eric took Fei later, so I'm not totally convinced she was ready to be back yet. She asked Eric on the way to school what she should say if anyone asked how she was feeling. Now we're realizing that her fear of having to state how she was 'feeling' was likely what was causing the meltdowns in the morning. Poor wee kid. She just hates any kind of 'feeling'. Eric told her she should just say "I'm feeling better thank-you". The teacher did ask and she answered exactly that. Two days ago Jia was listless, wouldn't eat but thankfully was still taking her bottles. Had fevers and was vomiting. Ya' know you've entered a whole other realm of parenting when you watch the baby start to wretch on the new carpet and you scoop her up so she'll puke on you instead because I'm easier to clean than the carpet! I've been home three weekends in a row! No outings, no fun, no friends. Pretty wild for our family! Eric and I have seen more than enough of each other and we're ready for a break. Today is the first day in three weeks that I can say all of us seem a bit better. Wow, have we ever been hit hard this year. Lili lost 4lbs! Not sure about Fei, she's still not eating much and she's been exceptionally tired. Eric and I were both feeling last night like there was hope and then Jia decided to not sleep all night. She became a screamer. You all know how I hate screaming babies. We tried everything we could think of, she didn't want to be in her room alone, she didn't want us with her, she didn't want in our bed. She wasn't hungry, didn't need a change and wasn't interested in being held or rocked. It was a tremendously long night. I'm not looking forward to tonight. I'm fearful that we taught her last night that if she screams, we'll come.