
Our family.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Jia peed on the potty!!!

I know I need to post about the Disney trip....I'll get to that soon.

For now, the big news of the day is that JIA PEED ON THE POTTY!!

She showed some interest in the toilet this morning and I suggested Fei show her the little potty seat.  While Lili and I were getting ready for our bath, Fei put Jia on the toilet about six times.  She was pretty excited and managed to pee on the floor but not in the potty.  After her bath she wanted back on the potty but peed on the floor again when we took her off.  Then tonight when we were getting her ready for bed she pointed to the potty, Eric put her on and she peed!!  There was lots of hooting and hollering, Lili and Fei came running and we all threw our arms in the air and 'Yahooed'!  Then the big girls called Gramma for her, she was pretty excited to talk on the phone.  So cute.  A one time fluke for a 14mo. old?  or are we potty training now?  She really truely is our bonus baby!