
Our family.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jia Pooed on the potty!!

Everybody dance a conga line singing 'Jia poo pooed on the potty!  Jia poo pooed on the potty!'.  Pretty exciting stuff I'll tell ya'.  Fun times around our place. 

Ok, so she understands what to do on the toilet but can't tell us she has to go yet and is no where near getting her clothes off and can't reach the toilet from the stool.  Not sure how this will work out. 

Lili never pooped in diapers (we got her at 9mo, potty trained), she rubbed her tummy and we sat her on her on the toilet, she asked for underwear just before her 2nd Birthday and was dry just like that.  Clearly Eric and I held her back on that one.

Fei was a whole different story.  We won't talk about potty training her, lets just say it took many years and was quite the trial. 

So, I've started showing Jia the potty sign language and we're saying 'potty' a lot in the hopes she'll pick up that word.  She is soooo stinkin' proud of herself and especially excited to be allowed to grab the toilet paper!