
Our family.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


The antibiotics are kicking in today.  Eric is feeling much better, the pain from the infection is gone.  Lili is starting to sound better.  Dixie is starting to eat and drink again.  The girls went grocery shopping with me this morning to get all of Dixie's favorite things, cabbage, strawberries, honeynut cheerios, and apple juice. 

Gramma and Grampa took the big girls this afternoon so that I could nap when Jia did.  She has been napping once a day for three hours, but sadly today she only stayed down for an hour and a half.  When she got up we took her to town and bought a table and chairs for our back deck.  I had the set picked out, it was on sale,  I had a $50 coupon, there was no hst this weekend and we got a free turkey.  How hillarious is that?!

Once home we made the best ever homemade pizza and watched a movie together.  Starting to feel almost normal again.