
Our family.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Ted McGinley
What a wild day, to say the least and it's only noon.
I've been searching for the last week on the sly for the perfect cat/kitten. I adore Siamese and I've had a Lynx Point and a Siamese/Persian in the past. Turns out it's not so easy to find purebred cats, and then you have to deal with catteries. Trust me people, I'm not cut out to deal with serious cattery people. It wasn't pretty. Anyways...I managed to find a few viable options of crossed cats for more reasonable amounts of money. Then I had to deal with all of those people. Arg. We had to have a family meeting and do a pros and cons list about getting a new cat. Eric was pretty easy to sway. He was hoping that we wouldn't bring more animals home though. He wasn't at all keen about dealing with purebreds and breeders. My co-worker mentioned that there was a Siamese at the local pet store. I called and was told they did have one but he was ferral. Ug. Been there, done that lots. Then the same co-worker brought me pictures of him this morning and he is just gorgeous, looks extremely similar to my Lynx Point from yesteryears. I called Eric, texted the picture to him and he was smitten with the kitten too. Eric and the girls went to see him and guess what? There was a movie being shot right in front of the pet store! The woman in the pet store wouldn't let the girls hold him because he spooks and leaps and she didn't want them hurt. They brought me tons of pictures and even videos but no one touched him so we had no idea what level of ferral we were dealing with. Then they told me there was a famous actor there but Eric couldn't recall his name. Back we all went to the pet store.
The kitten can be held, but he is jumpy and he does leap. I got a pretty good scratch when I held him. So I suggested we think about it for a bit and went out onto the street and watched Genie Francis (General Hospital fame) she was getting her make up done and then she tried on a bunch of shoes for the shot. There were camera men, extra's and tons of people with headsets on and most exciting of all Ted McGinley (from Married with Children and Happy Days). How cool is that?! He's gorgeous too. We weren't really supposed to be taking pictures. The movie is a Hallmark movie called The Note.
So, three trips back and forth and after much debate, our family unified in the decision to take home another rescue animal with a not so pleasant background instead of dealing with more cat people. Eric and the girls caved upon looking into his eyes. I had to be talked into believing that he'll come around. He went willingly into our carrier and then he fell asleep in there on the way to take me back to work. Eric is convinced he'll be fabulous. I want to name him Fabio, Fabulous Fabio. No one else likes the name. So, we're open to suggestions. The pet store is called 'Little Rascals', so I suggested Rascal but they didn't care for that either. Planning to suggest Teddy after Ted McGinley, we'll see if they like that.
Just called home and poor little guy vomited and pooped all over himself in the carrier on the way home. He's been cleaned and settled into our bathroom. Fingers crossed for a nice transition and a healthy attachement. Oh and my co-worker is off now to go see Ted McGinley! Too funny.