
Our family.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jia Turns Two!

More presents...really?!

It took a bit to convince her she really did have to open more but she finally got into it.

There was once again too much stuff.  She was starting to really figure out that the day was all about her though.  When ever I asked her how old she was or told her how old she was she put one finger in the air and said three.  Never did get her to put two fingers up and say two.

Birthday Party was at Butterfly Gardens.  13 kids and even more adults.  It was awesome.
Jia was calling the butterflies 'Jiaflies'.  Kids are all still calling them that and I think it's going to stick for quite a while at our house!

Watching Jiaflies hatch in the nursery. 

A box of Jiaflies were held for release at her party.  That was pretty cool.

Jia was a bit intimidated in the gardens and wanted uppies with me the whole time.  I'm not used to that, she's usually so much more independant and hanging with the kids.  We had fun together and she loved all the critters in the gardens.  She talked about Sheldon the tortoise for days.

Our guide is showing us vanilla beans and asked who liked icecream.  I put up my hand and didn't even realize that Jia did too, but Eric saw it and got the picture.  Our clever girl.

Jia actually took the whole microscope apart while I stood by visiting with adults.  Steve put it back together for Jia and she was thrilled to have a look at a flamingo feather.

Doesn't she look so much older than 2?

In the morning during Jia's bath I realized she didn't know how to blow out a candle, so Eric brought one to her in the tub and she declined blowing it out with a "no tank you Daddy".  So imagine our surprise and delight at the party when she blew out her candles like a pro!  Youtube video link below.

Mmmm....snack time.

More presents!

The best part, handing out goodie bags!

Phew, party is finally over, time to relax and figure out this blow thing with my pal Emily.

The big kids are all about their electronics.  Jia didn't seem to mind being left alone to contemplate whatever was in her hands.

Cutest little two year old ever :)