
Our family.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dance Recital June 2012

Mom has been taking the girls to dance this year so I'm not privy to much of what goes on there.  Many years ago I wanted the girls to do Irish step dancing because I love to watch it.  They were too young, ankles not strong enough, they've been doing Highland for six years now.  So imagine my surprise, the curtain comes up and my girlies are dancing an Irish Reel.  Wild.  I had no idea.  They think it's really funny.  Anyways, Lili claims it's her last year of dance and although I've enjoyed watching her for six years, this last dance was my favorite performance ever and I got all teary that this was the last recital.  Fei is considering another year but isn't keen to go without Lili.  Jia asked after every dance if it was her turn yet.  Not sure Shelley will take her this young but we'll try in September. 

Youtube video of the Irish Reel

Lili was totally dismayed at wearing pink and sparkly.

Fei was totally delighted at wearing pink and sparkly.

Youtube of the girls class group dance.