
Our family.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

End of summer and back to school.

A geocache to start the hike.

Gorgeous waterfall behind the kids that you can't see in this picture.

And another one!

Love all the expressions.

Miss Jia is all about her bike right now.

That time just before dinner when the adults aren't really paying attention...the best hour of the day when you're camping :)  Jia is usually the first one to yell 'CAR' and she scurries off the road, leaves her bike behind though. 

Eric gave me a lazy morning and took the girls golfing, he said the putter went in her hand and that was that.  No further instructions necessary.  Wonder if she had the putter backwards the whole time?

I'm not so fond of beach days...stinky, critters, seaweed, sand, windy...ya' not my thing but even I'll admit it's pretty to look at.  Lacie and I are tucked up against a log, in charge of the blanket and snacks.

Kids are just having the time of their lives.  The goal to build a structure that withstands the tide coming in.  They draw a warning line and then work like mad at the end.  They broke their record and kept above water for 40minutes this year.

Meiling passed her favorite dress to Jia.  Most kids would say "look my dress has Minnie Mouse on it".  Not Jia, she said "Look, I am Minnie Mouse and I live in Disneyland, welcome to Disneyland Mommy!".  She was Minnie right up until she needed a bum change and we put jammas on her.

First day back to school.

Miss Fei, age 9, grade 4.

Miss Lili, age 10, grade 5.

The new dance costume for dance class with real highland shoes!

How cute is this picture?!  Seriously, cutest kid in the world.  She had all of us in stitches last night dancing around the kitchen.  Until she needed a bum change and we put jammas on her.

I feel like we only had half a summer. A China trip in the middle really ate up most of July. I want a summer re-do. The girls weren't happy about being back to school. Not unhappy either. They only went for a couple hours yesterday and are back full time today. Lili (grade 5) got the teacher and 5/6 split she wanted and is happy about the kids in her class. We're crossing our fingers for her today that she'll stay in that class. Fei (grade 4) got the right teacher but isn't with the kids she wanted and is on the higher side of the split, which she isn't thrilled about. I'm pretty happy she isn't with a certain kid with a mother we're pretty happy to be away from and we love the teacher. I can understand Fei not wanting to be with grade 3's when she was already bored in school but I'm having a hard time mustering up concern when really, it's the better of the two choices. Who knows what will happen by the end of the day.

The big news of the day: Jia starts Highland Dance classes today! She is way beyond excited. Talking non-stop about it, asks every time we get in the car if we're going to dance class. Shelley gave her dance shoes last year that were too big, they are a bit big this year but they'll work. We bought her a new hot pink plaid skirt yesterday and Fei dug out an old leotard dance top for her. She is sooooo cute!! I'm sad to miss her first class. Hoping Eric and the girls get some pictures. We tried out her outfit last night and got a few great pictures.

Fei wants to dance, doesn't want to go without Lili. Not sure what will happen there. Her first class is today. I'm planning to take her. Lili has stopped talking about Kung Fu. Might set up a trial for her and see how that goes. Piano starts tomorrow and they're both happy about that. We're signing Jia up for a Tues. morning music class so that Eric can take her for the next few months. I usually take her on Sat. but we have so many obligations through Sept. and Oct. that she would miss too many. I'm not thrilled to be missing this time with her but happy for Eric that he gets to sing and dance with her.