
Our family.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Kids Quad!!
It's that time of year again to plan the girls Birthday parties. Last year when Lili turned 10, she took friends to Wildplay. Now I know Fei is picturing something similar for her 10th B-day but Wildplay doesn't open until March. So, after MUCH debate I offered up rock climbing at the Romper Room. Which Fei thought was awesome, but then she was inflexible about what day, she wanted the party on her Birthday which was a Friday. So, after spending way too many hours contemplating how to get kids after school from an hour away in the wrong direction to our house so we can move all of them an hour in the other direction with signed waivers from each. From past experience, this was a tall party order and nearly impossible. I was trying to figure out how to feed them dinner in the car in order to fit it all in. Then there was Lili, three weeks later, who will be at camp with her class on her Birthday and just wants to go to Wildplay again with her Dad to do a buddy tree top experience.
It's not that I don't want to do parties for them, I just want them to be easier and more casual as they get older. No need for themes etc. So, in a brainstorm moment I saw kids quads advertised on-line at a price I could tolerate and offered them a quad instead of a party. They both jumped at the idea to my total delight. Then came the tricky part, actually picking one out that they could agree on. Eric spent his time researching, shopping, talking, calling and countless hours on-line. He found a nice deal, lightly used, and we went last night to look at it. Both girls were smitten right away and after watching the fellow selling it zip down the road and then sitting on it themselves it was pretty much a done deal. It's dirty but in really great shape. Eric says it will clean up like new. Lili got to try it a bit but Fei wasn't ready. They're going to learn to ride in our yard. Thankfully it's not that loud. Crazy thing is, it wasn't much more than Jia's car! I'm a bit nervous that we've bought into a hobby that can be costly with gear and repairs but I'm happy for Eric and the girls that they've found something to do together that they all really enjoy.
Chinese New Year celebrations (Spring Festival in China) are starting this weekend. We're not ready. Girls are getting excited about all of the parties and events coming up. I'm just going through the motions this year. I don't feel depressed but I'm not thrilled about more parties either. Feeling like we're in limbo waiting to hear about Little Guy. Feeling sure it will never happen but holding onto a little bit of hope that no one has told us NO yet either. This is harder than the other waits, because we know who we're waiting for. He deserves so much more in his life than he has now. It's crazy that he's not here with us already. It shouldn't be this hard.