
Our family.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Spring Festival
Spring Festival has started early for us this year. We had our first CNY party yesterday afternoon. Nice to catch up with some of the families. It was a quieter lunch than usual in Victoria. The older kids aren't showing up as much and most of the kids were quite young. Nice for Jia, boring for Lili and Fei. Shame it has to work out that way. Jia had so much fun playing with Emily that when Debbie said it was time to go, Jia marched up right in front of her and stomped her foot and put her hands on her hips and said "I want to play with Emily!". She was total attitude. I know it's wrong that I thought it was funny but she was so stinkin' cute making her demands. Debbie told her they could play until they had to leave.
On the way home Jia was trying to figure out when the next party was. We told her the next one was Mommy's birthday so she sang me several versions of happy birthday and all of them started with no less than 10 happy birthday's to you. She also wanted to play pretend with me and told me I was Jia and she was Mommy. I started whinning and complaining "I'm too hot, I'm too cold, I don't want that, I won't wear that, I want what Fei has, I want uppies, I want uppies, I want uppies, I WANT UPPIES!". Jia instantly said "no, not right now, my hands are full". I laughed and laughed over that. She is so quick witted.
We were in the car a fair bit, two trips out of town. Kids did great as per usual. They totally love road trips. I'm exhausted. Same scenerio happening next weekend. We're going to the CNY show at UVIC on Sat. and the CNY show at the Conservatory on Sunday. Looking forward to both shows. Also having a play date with 11 kids on Sat. at our house, attending a friends B-day on Sat. afternoon and meeting a new behaviour consultant on Friday. Then my B-day/flex day on Monday. While in the car Lili and Fei wear ear buds while they are on their phones or tablets. Jia was wanting ear buds and we got her some yesterday at the dollar store. She was so pleased. She has no music on her tablet and we've disabled her wifi but she has figured out how to record herself singing and talking and then listens to those files over and over.