
Our family.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chinese Boy Names

We need help.  Seriously, not kidding, we need help.  Any and all suggestions appreciated.

We would like a Chinese name that sounds familiarish to a Western name.  Something short, preferably 3 letters.  It must have a Chinese character with a decent meaning. 

So far we have

Jin  - gold
Bo  - precious
Bai - pure
Ren  - benevolent

I love the name Bai  (Bay) but it is close in sound to Fei (Fay).  She loves the name and is hoping we'll pick it but when ever I call it out she answers.  She swears it's because she isn't really listening and she would listen harder if her brother was here with that name.  She also comes running when any one of us call HEY.

I really like Bo, but my first dog was named Beau and the kids think that is weird.  Eric doesn't like the b o spelling and thinks it will be a problem for him.

We all like Ren but we all prefer Bai.

We all like Rai or Rei but it's a Japanese name.  It is used in China but I can't find a character for it.  Fei clearly hears the R better than the B.

Hopefully some of you have some great boy names for us to consider!