
Our family.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Nicole and family had us over for an egg hunt.  I'm feeling all mopey and grumpy so it was really nice to have some fun.  She totally spoiled our girlies. 

The girls love the show Good Luck Charlie and there is a part in the opening that shows the whole family with soothers in their mouths.  When I saw these bunny teeth, I thought of that and bought them imagining the girls thinking it was hillarious.  Turns out that only I thought it was hillarious, they're good sports so they went along with it anyways. 

At Butchart for the annual bunny hunt.  Gorgeous day.

Our little cutie, looking all stylin' in her favorite dress.  Lili, Fei and I wore black to match her, she was just thrilled about that.

Oh, how we'd all love a cabin in the woods like this one! 

Jia got to ride on the bunny!

These are new, they're at the toy boat pond in James Bay.  Half Full.  Lili just learned about the displacement straw looking like it's broken.  She knew immediatly what these were supposed to be.  The rest of us were clueless.  When we left and got in the car and looked back we could see the words Half Full on them.  They spin and were lots of fun apparently, because Eric and I had a hard time getting the girls to move on.

Eric is in work clothes and I'm in jammies but Lili really wanted a picture of this sandwich.  Her favorite food.  Mom, this picture reminds me of that old picture of you and dad in work clothes after a day of yard work from Squamish.
The kids are all about playing outside and they don't like to come in.  There is a small section of fence in the front that needs to be done.  I've been asking for years.  Eric is finally on it.  Can't wait.  I want the gate closed, the front door open and kids and animals coming in and out.  We did that yesterday but Eric had to stay out to watch Isabel.  I don't trust her to stay and our road is busy and she is clueless about cars.  Isabel normally plays with us in the back yard, so she was one happy puppy to be running free in the front yard!  Fei got a handful of catfood and worked at training Isabel to walk beside her.  Cute.  
Our file goes soon to China.  I'll of course let ya'll know when we're officially waiting.