
Our family.

Monday, June 1, 2015

23rd Wedding Anniversary

Sort of the anniversary that wasn't.   We celebrated 23 years last year but 23 years was actually this year. 

The big girls had dance tonight so we met Penny and girls for Chinese food.  Then  after dance we celebrated China's Children's Day with chocolate chills from Tim's.

Luk had an ultra sound scan this morning to look for his testicles.   He did great.  He even quite liked the warm jelly in his privates.  When we were leaving the hospital he said "that was fun". A couple hours after the scan his pediatrician called to confirm that both of his testicles are undecended and he needs surgery.  Sigh.  Now off to read about how they fix that instead of waiting for the surgeon to tell us. He has a consult for July 8.