Walter had his surgery yesterday. Brutal. Dropped him in the morning and got him back at 3. All of the teeth removed. Such a bizarre thing. Felt like I was making the wrong choice. I know without the surgery he would die. He has a chance now. I was told when I picked him up that we did a great thing. Most people don't make this choice. He seemed pretty calm. He ate voraciously when I got him home. He's on canned food. Eric opened him another can and he ate it too! Hopefully that's the start of him plumping up. He was very gracious about taking his meds last night and this morning. We let him outside because we felt the litter box would
be too much of an insult for him. Last night he was moving slowly, totally not himself and avoiding me. He did sleep in my room last night but not with me like usual. This morning he allowed eye contact, he let me pick him up for a cuddle and he meowed a bit. He is drooling like crazy. He looked really horrible last night. Looked a bit better this morning. Eric gave him a wash and he's been cleaning. I'm a bit nervous that he'll be permanently drooling now. The vet says he should be on an upturn in a few days. Fingers crossed.

be too much of an insult for him. Last night he was moving slowly, totally not himself and avoiding me. He did sleep in my room last night but not with me like usual. This morning he allowed eye contact, he let me pick him up for a cuddle and he meowed a bit. He is drooling like crazy. He looked really horrible last night. Looked a bit better this morning. Eric gave him a wash and he's been cleaning. I'm a bit nervous that he'll be permanently drooling now. The vet says he should be on an upturn in a few days. Fingers crossed.