Mom has decided she hates living alone. She's been going back and forth for a few weeks. Staying here most nights. We have no clue what the plan is. Possibly an appartment downstairs. Or an addition. Or a tiny home. So many options. Kids love having Gramma around. I'm pleased with the extra pair of hands helping with homework, dishes and laundry etc.
Eric and I took the littles to Parksville Saturday to go to Demxx. They used to have old wooden doors and windows. Sadly not anymore. Apparently if they come in they sell immediately. Just sussing out ideas for possible changes.
We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner out so it was a real road trip day. It went mostly ok. Kai did get tired of being out and was asking to go home. Then while we were driving he dumped his whole water bottle out in the car. All over his legs, feet, seat, booster and floor. Oy. He thought if he was wet we'd take him home. Didn't work. We took his beloved water bottle away. Eric sopped up the water in the car. Kai was quite distressed about wet sox. Luk and Jia showed us how he did it and he was proud of his actions. We told him too bad he has wet. His eyes were huge with disbelief that we didn't care he was wet. Quite funny really. When we got to dinner he had a really, really hard time walking. Which really was funny. He won't get water in the car for a long time.

Finally checked out a river walk we've been trying to get to for weeks.

We met Winston, an 8 week old Pom.

Fun at the mall.

Salsa dancers at the mall.

Demxx. Shirts were on sale for $2.94 at Superstore. They all wanted it. Their choice to wear them together.
Eric and I took the littles to Parksville Saturday to go to Demxx. They used to have old wooden doors and windows. Sadly not anymore. Apparently if they come in they sell immediately. Just sussing out ideas for possible changes.
We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner out so it was a real road trip day. It went mostly ok. Kai did get tired of being out and was asking to go home. Then while we were driving he dumped his whole water bottle out in the car. All over his legs, feet, seat, booster and floor. Oy. He thought if he was wet we'd take him home. Didn't work. We took his beloved water bottle away. Eric sopped up the water in the car. Kai was quite distressed about wet sox. Luk and Jia showed us how he did it and he was proud of his actions. We told him too bad he has wet. His eyes were huge with disbelief that we didn't care he was wet. Quite funny really. When we got to dinner he had a really, really hard time walking. Which really was funny. He won't get water in the car for a long time.
Finally checked out a river walk we've been trying to get to for weeks.
We met Winston, an 8 week old Pom.
Fun at the mall.
Salsa dancers at the mall.
Demxx. Shirts were on sale for $2.94 at Superstore. They all wanted it. Their choice to wear them together.