
Our family.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Oliver has an owie.

The girls sent a picture of Oliver to us while we were camping.  His foot looked a bit swollen.  I assured them he wouldn't die.  Eric checked last night and it was worse but he was putting weight on it and he was eating and drinking.  This morning Lili woke me up to say it was worse again. Eric trapped him in the cage. So he was off to the vet this morning.  He's been bit by something.  It's infected.  He's being sedated today to clean out the puss.  Injected antibiotics and a day of observation.  Poor wee fellow.  
At the back of the vet parking is a donation drop off center for a thrift store.  Some of the local unhoused were shopping in the boxes and making a heck of a mess.  I'm acutely aware this morning of how privileged we are that we can just just take the critters in when they need help.
Update: Oliver's surgery went well.  He's home.  On house arrest and stuck with a litter box.  He isn't thrilled.  His poor foot looks way worse now.  It's Lewis's Birthday and he's locked out.  Uh oh.  We don't love putting food outside it brings in raccoons.  Walter and Jenny know to hang around the front door to get in.  This isn't the fun part.
Eric took a selfie.  I think his 2nd ever.  He sent this one to me at midnight.  Haha. He loves his puppy. 

Eric gets his jab this morning.  I'm home waiting for him.  He's run into Canadian Tire to talk Gelato truck issues with his mechanic friend.  

Lili and made their appointments for the vaccine May 31. 

Fei did the whole traditional kidnap your grad partner thing last night.  I slept through her leaving at like 3am and I have no clue when she came home.  She was in bed when I got up so that was a huge relief.  I encourage them to be adults and make their own choices and then worry like a crazy.  Now we anticipate the night she gets kidnapped.  Such a weird tradition.  Wasn't a thing for us.  Lili didn't participate.  We're all thinking there is ZERO chance her date is getting in this house past the Chihuahuas.  Haha.