
Our family.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


I'm at my desk.  The boys just got home from school.  Kai came up to give me a 'pearl' he found today at school.  True treasure and he chose to gift his Mama.  Sob.  So sweet.
Eric has been outside for days building something.  Lots of loud tools and welding going on.  I asked, he said a protective plate for the winch.  It's actually a sweet bush bar.  He has looked previously but didn't like how they interrupt the look of the grill.  Can't find what you want...learn to fabricate it yourself.  Wild.  It looks good on Oscar.

On another note, while discussing theft, I said we don't really have anything valuable to take here and Eric was quick to say "well, Oscar".  Haha.  

I had a much dreaded appointment with my Endocrinologist today.  She is difficult to talk to, bossy and it feels often that she sees diabetes as the biggest issue in my world and it's hard to convey that the colectomy and short bowel syndrome are the overriding issue 24/7. Diabetes is like an annoying footnote in comparison.
There is a push for diabetes classes, constant blood monitoring, finger pricks before and after each meal and a sleep study.  I worked up the guts and today instead of saying I'd make an appointment I said, I'm almost 60, I do things I don't want to do everyday and I KNOW I don't want to do a sleep study at a sleep center or wear a c-pap machine to sleep.  The idea of having someone watch me sleep on camera in a strange place is just not in my comfort zone.  Surprisingly, she heard me and let it go.  We'll leave that for when I'm not sleeping.  Anyways, she also reported all numbers are good and some improving and I'm one of her easiest patients.  That was shocking.  

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Onyx's first mud.


Lili moved out on the 16th.  I was taking pictures but she wasn't feeling it.  I did sneak this one.  She is in a very nice house in an affluent neighborhood overlooking Departure Bay.  It's a nice set up for her.

Her view.  Waiting for a clear day and a better picture.

Our washer suddenly died.  We can't dilly dally on appliances.  We had three loads waiting Sat morning and it just died Friday night.  My plan was to attempt the back road from Lake Cowichan  through Bamfield to Port Alberni.  Instead we were shopping for a washer.  Yuk.  We picked one from the Brick.  Brought it home and headed out to take the old one to the dump.  Instead of hanging around watching Eric install and plumb the new one I took off in Onyx and met four fcc Mom's and a few kids for coffee in Nanaimo.  Lili met me there.
First mud!!
We had a few hours free today while Jia was at work.  I asked Fei, Luk and Kai if they wanted to go 4 wheeling and they actually all said yes.  Amazing.
Today was a nice clear mild day, so the plan was to take Onyx to the view spot we found a couple weeks ago for a picture.

When you climb up for an hour and get into the clouds and there is no view.

My first Jeeping day following Oscar.
Way too much fun!
Lots of mud, needed 4x4, snow, ice, ruts and puddles.  Onyx was fabulous.  No BC pin stripping thankfully.  I'm not ready for her to get scratches.

This is the view a few minutes from the bottom.  I need a do over come summer.
This could definitely be habit forming.  It was fun getting to drive.  Loved having a co-pilot and using the radios was fun.

Oscar's crew.
We packed the fire and chairs but it was too muddy to contemplate so we ate our lunch in the Jeeps.  Not quite the plan but a good adventure none the less.

The weekend flew by.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Fei's 22nd Birthday


She is off celebrating with friends.

We adore you our Fei Fei!
Have fun tonight.



There were signs on the trip of a flare coming.  Once home my body tried to kill me.  Yesterday was a complete nightmare. Woke up today thinking I might survive after all.  Laying low today. Thank gawd this didn't happen in Vegas or on a travel day!

It's Fei's 22nd Birthday!
Thankfully she has plans to celebrate with friends later on today.

Lili is moving out today. She's shopping in our house today ;)

Spray cheese.  Haha.  These two ;)
Shannon's photo.

Also Shannon's photo.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Swoon, Donny Osmond.


Using AI, Donny performs Puppy Love with his 14 year old self.  It was truely incredible.  

Oh, the memories.

He puts on an amazing show.
So much energy.  He covers music from a six decade career.

So, glad we got to see him.


Freemont Experience in the afternoon.  


It's been a great trip.
Making our way home tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Grand Canyon.


Road trip day.
Eric drove, Ken navigated, Shannon made another duck, I had 40 naps.
We went to Mather Point.
It was awesome and super cold.  We didn't stay long.
Once back home we went by tram to Mandalay Bay to the Noodle house for Asian cuisine.  It was great food.  Nice to be relaxed after a long day in the car.  Early night in for us.

Tomorrow we have no plans for the day.  Donny Osmond in the evening for us!

Monday, February 10, 2025

A very full Las Vegas day.


We started our day at Shark Reef. Mandalay Bay.

It was great.  Warm.  Relaxing.  Facinating.  Could have settled in for the day if there were comfy spots and snacks.  

We covered a lot of the strip. Walked for hours.  
We had some fun in the Lunar New Year display at the Bellagio.

Lunch out at Giordanos.  On the must eat list for Las Vegas.  It was really good.  Leisurely.  We had time to kill before the water show at 3 in front of the Bellagio.

The stables are our view from our room.  So that's fun.
Shots on the strip.

The Birthday girl.  It's Shannon's 50th.  We've had a great day celebrating in style.

Staying at Excaliber.  So fun.
The water show was so pretty with the sun shining through the water drops.

Yes.  This actually happened.

It doesn't hurt.

I love it.
Eric got the same.  When we hold hands they touch.  So sappy.  

I've always wanted a tattoo.
No regrets ;)
Jose is a Jeeper!  So that was fun.  We showed each other our Jeep pics and he loved the snow shots.
Shannon and Ken also did matching infinity tattoos.
1st tattoo for 3 of us!

Starlight Tattoo at Mandalay Bay.
The shop has an impressive list of awards and celebrities that have been there.

We ended the day with the Tournament of Kings.

So fun.

Dragon Knight.  Our bad guy.

Loud and totally silly but so fun rooting for the bad guy.

Tucked in early.
I'm chilled. Arg.
Grand Canyon tomorrow.